View Full Version : Admitted to hospital, terrified prayers please

13-12-17, 08:14
I’ve been posting how I had heart palpatations and heart beat in my ear I tried to ignore it but last night they got so bad I had my fiancé take me to the ER, they discovered my hemoglobin was 7.1!!! I’ve been admitted and am getting a blood transfusion. I’ve never been more scared, I have young babies and a great fiancé and all I can think is cancer cancer cancer and now I’m dying... I’m so scared. Praying it’s a simple cause but doesn’t seem likely

13-12-17, 08:55
Praying for you that the Dr's can give you the right treatment and also for peace

13-12-17, 09:21
Positive thoughts, when I was 14 I had such bad anaemia my haemoglobin was around 3/4, I had a blood transfusion and felt absolutely fine and full of life again straight after. I am confident you are okay, just remember that the journey of anxiety and fear will end with a happier life to enjoy with your fiancé and babies. Take care xxxx

13-12-17, 14:43
Thank gou

13-12-17, 14:50

13-12-17, 15:18
Keeping you in my thoughts ... in women, ours can be low frequently. It's good they caught it. I hope you start to feel better soon!

13-12-17, 18:46
I was in EXACTLY the same position as you last month (even posted here in a panic!)

Had some bloods done at 11am one morning. At 1pm I had the doctors office phone my house and said there was something wrong with my blood results and not to worry but they needed me to come in that afternoon. So Iof course INSTANT panic. Went to the doctors and he asked me how I was feeling. I said "fine". Turns out my red blood cell count was 6.6. Two months previously it was normal.

He left to make a few calls, came back and told me he'd arranged for me to go straight to hospital and told me to prepare for a stay for a possible iron infusion/blood transfusion.

So stayed in hospital a few hours, had more bloods taken, ecg, and an IV fitted.

Consultant came to chat to me and said he would prefer to start me on iron tabs rather than an ibfusion/transfusion.

Since I wasn't vomiting/passing blood it was put down to heavy periods. Saw him again begining of the month and my levels have started going up (though I'm still pretty anemic, haha)

Having a transfusion or infusuon will have you feeling MUCH better in an instant. You'll be fine <3

14-12-17, 20:56
What a roller coaster of emotions!! Home and feeling better, trying to trust the dr words. Still scared it’s stomach cancer or a blood cancer. A hematologist looked everything over and said it was periods. The most surprising and frustrated thing was, they would of never infused me if I wasn’t having palpatations. But bc I was symptomatic they had too. It would of saved the terror we were going through. So now I’m starting on iron and will have treat blood work soon. Prayers appreciated thank you

14-12-17, 21:13
You're in the same boat as me. The only reason I didn't have an infusion was because I wasn't having palpitations.

A day or so afterwards I broke down crying. I'd managed to hold it together until then. It's natural to be freaked.

Trust the doctors. My hematologist told me that being female was the reason for my anemia and it sucked (but we got them back because they had prostrates :P). He was a funny guy xD

I'm on iron and folic acid. You'll be fine ^^

14-12-17, 21:26
I'm glad you are feeling better! The hematologist would be able to tell you if you needed any further testing, so if they gave you the all clear, I would believe them. I have heard of this happening in lots of women. I really think it's something that is just more common in us, especially with periods. :hugs:

15-12-17, 01:45
I was diagnosed with anemia about a month ago. The symptoms can be scary. I was a perimenopausal vegetarian who was caring for her dying dog for three months. I didn't realize I was basically living on carrots and bananas. I lost 20 pounds and started shaking all the time. Couldn't sleep. Coated tongue. Felt like bugs climbing all over my legs. Doctor tried to put me back on anti depressants. Finally she ran my lab work . Everything was off one way or another. Scared the bejesus out of me. I tried iron supplements, but started breaking out in hives. My bottom lip has swollen up twice. We don't know if it was the supplements or anxiety causing the hives. I will try again if the hives ever stop appearing. The heart beats while trying to sleep are very frustrating though. Good luck and get healthy.

23-12-17, 14:08
Prayers sent - am sure all will be well x

07-07-21, 13:05
Courland, this thread is from 2017. :)