View Full Version : Fear of family members becoming ill :(

13-12-17, 14:12
I always get like this as Christmas but I just heard about someone dying in their late forties to c-word and it has triggered me.

I am so worried something bad will happen to someone in my family. Especially my husband. I am worried just thinking about it will cause it to happen. When I was pregnant earlier this year I was worried I would lose the baby to a missed miscarriage, and that is exactly what happened :( its like I had a premonition. I am scared to try for another baby.

I love my husband so much and I can't imagine a life without him. However, I am living a life in fear and it isn't fair on either of us. I am always asking him if he has checked himself out (men's stuff) and I get worried if he has a back ache or head ache.

My husband is fit and healthy and doesn't smoke or drink, but I worry cause his Dad passed away suddenly to a heart attack aged just 55 and he didn't drink or smoke either (but was under a lot of pressure as his Mom was sick and apparently had a fatty diet which my husband doesn't have)

I also worry cause my husband has an underractive thyroid. He is on medication for it, but I still worry.

You hear about younger people getting ill and it worries me so much.

Does anyone else have this? It tends to go hand in hand with my own health anxiety, its like it spills over to others.

Feeling really freaked out at the moment and could just do with a listening ear and someone to say that I am not the only person going through these fears.

Thanks x

13-12-17, 15:30
I think it's normal to worry about people you love. When I had my daughter who's now 19 I thought no one could look after her better than me and I hated going to work (I'm a nurse) in case I brought an illness home. It's hard but that's life and anxiety probably makes it worse. My husband astonishes me because he doesn't care about illness or death. He's very fit and healthy and nothing bothers him, he's my complete opposite!

13-12-17, 15:54
I think it's normal to worry about people you love. When I had my daughter who's now 19 I thought no one could look after her better than me and I hated going to work (I'm a nurse) in case I brought an illness home. It's hard but that's life and anxiety probably makes it worse. My husband astonishes me because he doesn't care about illness or death. He's very fit and healthy and nothing bothers him, he's my complete opposite!

I think it is normal to worry too, but it is constantly on my mind. I seem to alternate between fears of him being attacked/murdered/being in a car accident and worrying he has a deadly illness and isn't aware of it. I hate this. Sometimes I cuddle up to him and just cry cause I can't imagine living without him.

I have most of the symptoms of BDP (Borderline Personality Disorder) but have never been diagnosed. Part of BDP is a fear of abandonment - which I definitely have. I am so clingy with him and I can't bear the thought of him being away from me. So much so, I am unable to spend a night away from him.

It must have been hard having those fears about your daughter. I am terrified of becoming pregnant again, let alone raising a child. I can barely look after myself and I recently had a suicidal breakdown. I worry that when I do become pregnant social services will be involved.

I just feel so low and I desperately want to get better. My health anxiety is just awful at the minute, I am flitting from one worry to another. Yesterday I picked a mole off my arm so I am worrying over that now too.

My husband is very chilled out too (although he is an anxiety sufferer himself) but its probably a good job he is so chilled living with me.

I just want Christmas to be over really. It always makes my worrying worse. I just can't imagine a life without the people I love in it, and it makes me think to myself, what is the point of living if I will have to watch people die?

13-12-17, 16:49
I'm exactly the same. Hubby abs I are both 39. I'm terrified he'll get cancer or have a hear attach. His family has lots of diabetes. His mom died at 64 abs I worry about his weight abs diet. He bikes too abs from work and if he's a few min late umm hysterical. I have no kids by choice no family besides. Him no siblinfs. And no real friend he is the same. I'm so dependent on him I'd die if anything happened to him I even think if I did get cancer the plus is he's outlive me. I factor that in when I decided not to go off my bcp at 40 due to the breast cancer media story. I also think that when I consider changing my diet. My husband never worries and gets very annoyed at my fears

13-12-17, 16:57
I'm exactly the same. Hubby abs I are both 39. I'm terrified he'll get cancer or have a hear attach. His family has lots of diabetes. His mom died at 64 abs I worry about his weight abs diet. He bikes too abs from work and if he's a few min late umm hysterical. I have no kids by choice no family besides. Him no siblinfs. And no real friend he is the same. I'm so dependent on him I'd die if anything happened to him I even think if I did get cancer the plus is he's outlive me. I factor that in when I decided not to go off my bcp at 40 due to the breast cancer media story. I also think that when I consider changing my diet. My husband never worries and gets very annoyed at my fears

At the moment I feel more scared of things happening to my husband than I do things happening to myself. I don't think I could cope if he had a bad diagnosis or if something awful happened. I just can't imagine my life without him in it. He is my best friend.

I am 33 and he is 32 and we both want children. I have endometriosis though and I worry about being able to get pregnant again, and I am so scared of having another miscarriage :(

My Mom had breast c-word (she is ok now) and I worry about my risk of getting it too. I am trying to exercise, eat healthy and I gave up smoking but I often drink to deal with my anxiety.

It is good to know I am not alone but its sad that so many of us have these worries. I worry constantly and it is exhausting. I feel like I am wasting my life worrying about it!

13-12-17, 20:01
I'd consider you a baby I'm 40 in march and worried my good years are behind me. I feel like I need to try and live in the moment but it's hard. Time just flies.

14-12-17, 09:51
Health anxiety is awful. I feel like I put a brave face on to get through the day and appreciate it when bedtime comes because I sleep really well and that's when I can block everything out, all the symptoms I'm stressing about go away and I'm calm. Then you wake up and have to do it all again. My family are unaware of my ha. My best friend has social anxiety and she knows about my fears. Not looking forward to Christmas, I feel like I never really let myself go and enjoy myself. I've booked a private therapist in January so I'll see how that goes.