View Full Version : Im terrified that I just got a concussion

13-12-17, 20:14
Okay so I'm 18 and I'm the 12th grade. Today we were having a free day in P.E. and I was sitting on the bleachers playing with my cell phone.

A group of boys were, I guess, practicing how hard they can possibly kick and were kicking a (I think volleyball) at the wall as hard as possible. The noises the balls made when hitting the wall was intense and kept scaring me because it was so loud and fast.

So I was sitting at the end of the bleachers closest to the wall when all of a sudden a ball is kicked full force at the wall and hits me in the head HARD. I almost fell off the seat.

Everyone saw and and kind of went "OHH" because it was really hard. I felt really intense pain at first, but then just weird lightheadedness. Like I can still feel the pressure where it hit me, and i have a headache still.

I went to the nurse and she checked my pupils and said they were fine, and had me memorize three words which i still remember.

Well, I have horrible health anxiety thay I've been dealing with for three years so I'm freaking out. You know those stories you hear about people getting hit on the head, feeling fine afterwards, then dying? UGH.

To make matters worse I cant see a doctor. I have no health insurance and my mom has to leave for work in an hour. She worked 12 hours last night and has only gotten like 3 hours of sleep since then and has to go work another 12 hours tonight then drive me right back to school tomorrow only for her to work another 12 hours after I get home!

I'm just really stressed right now. I want to take a nap so bad, but they say not to do that if you have a head injury. Someone please help me, I feel hopeless. :(

14-12-17, 12:28
I have great experience with concussions due to my kickboxing background hehe. I myself had 2 concussions. It's shouldn't be really a too big of a deal if you didn't lose consciousness. Have you had any major or light memory loss? When I had the bigger one last year, my memory was disturbed HEAVILY. I didn't know what I did the week before the concussion. I even asked my parents if we'd been on vacation (which we were supposed to do 2 weeks after the concussion).

As far as sleeping goes. When you go to sleep tonight, make sure someone wakes you up every hour as your brain is forced to work in the right moment. Make sure that if you start vomiting, or thinking you will pass out to call 911 asap.

I WOULD advise you to take at least 3 days rest, so no school or work as your nervous system needs it's rest. Just take it easy, and analyze yourself but not too much. Be healthy!

14-12-17, 17:37
You're in the US, you most certainly can see a dr. If you fee very concerned, go to the ER.

As far as paying, you can ask for financial assistance and they will reduce the amount significantly and set up a payment plan.

14-12-17, 20:33
Thank you both so much for replying! It makes me feel a lot better to talk to someone who has experience with concussions because I know so little about them and refuse to google it for my anxiety's sake. I'm going to keep an eye on how things go, because I still have a significant headache. If things get too bad ill go to the ER. Thanks again!