View Full Version : Chest tightness/pins and needles

13-12-17, 20:25
Hi all,

Sorry for what could be a long message.

On 4 December I was having some chest tightness and difficulty taking deep breaths. So I called an ambulance and ended up in A&E.

In the ambulance they did an ECG, blood pressure and it was fine. At the hospital I had another ECG, blood pressure, chest x-ray, and three blood tests (one was to check for a clot on a lung). Everything came back fine, and the doctor said it could be anxiety or perhaps even acid reflux.

Since yesterday evening I was having pins and needles down my left arm and hand and leg and it didn't go away. So today I called 111, and because they heard "chest" an ambulance was sent out.

In the ambulance the paramedics did another EGC, blood pressure and checked sugar levels. Everything fine again, the paramedic suggested I go to my GP (I've booked an appointment for next week) and said he thinks it was anxiety.

He said with pins and needles there are usually two routes, something to do with the heart or anxiety and given my tests were clear at the hospital and in the ambulance it's probably anxiety.

However, I'm still worried because my chest tightness and pins/needles are still present. How do I cope with this? Does anyone else with anxiety suffer from similar symptoms? Is it common for people with anxiety to have these symptoms?

Thanks so much for your time reading this :)

13-12-17, 20:54
If you do a search, you'll find hundreds and hundreds of similar posts. It's also listed in the Anxiety Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) article here.

Positive thoughts

14-12-17, 12:26
Thanks, it's always good to hear from others who have had it also. Especially as my tingles have lasted for 48 hours!