View Full Version : Chest Pains when Relaxed and Content (Anxiety?)

13-12-17, 20:32
So for the past few years, when I've been relaxed, I've been getting pains in my chest. As a GAD sufferer for over 10 years, I'm told it's my "anxiety". So.. does anyone else suffer from this? Or does anyone else have bouts of back or Chest pain come together? It seems to happen every time near Christmas. I genuinely feel like someone is grabbing something in my chest and squeezing it. Not good. I'd like to hear from other NMP members on if they have anxiety related chest pain what is squeezig and heavy?

I'd really like someone to speak to. Thanks.

13-12-17, 20:38
I think you should phone NHS 111 if you are having these types of chest pain. Anything crushing or heavy needs to be medically assessed.

13-12-17, 21:24
I see you've posted about this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=178199) previously a few times. Even though this seems to be associated with the stress/anxiety related to the holidays and there are literally pages of similar posts, as Pulisa said, a painful squeezing, crushing like feeling, especially if you have other symptoms like dizziness and feeling short of breath, it should be medically assessed. If all is clear, then working on your anxiety would also help with stress related physical symptoms.

Positive thoughts