View Full Version : Anyone have this

13-12-17, 22:27
Hello there I get these feelings on and off all the time physically in my body it's very hard to describe I feel scared and don't know why body and head feel strange and heavy got no energy at all and sometimes feel sick I feel like this even when I think I'm ok and happy it just comes over me it's really horrible it does go but I always get it again and don't know why can this be anxiety giving me these feelings out of nowhere, thanks x

14-12-17, 07:36
Thank you for your reply , no I haven't been to doctor's about because I can't really explain how I feel and I get in such a state when I go doctor's it will just sound stupid I don't think I can talk to a doctor about it that's why I posted in here because people would be more understanding on here I don't think a lot of doctor's are up on all these weird feelings and would start sending you for all sorts of tests which would scare the life out of me if I had to go for tests I will see how I go xxx

14-12-17, 13:28
feel like that all the time only im not scared just confused by it:doh: I'm starting to accept that it IS anxiety but its hard because I can find no reason to be anxious guess its just hormones/chemical imbalance in my body took me a while to go to dr's as I am rubbish at talking about it and still struggle!- thats why this site is great lots of similar experiences and good advice imo I would visit the Dr they usually very understanding and will have heard similar stories to yours Good luck :yesyes::yesyes: