View Full Version : Struggling really badly today, fears and depersonalisation

14-12-17, 14:35
Hey everyone,

I am really struggling today. I feel really unwell, I went to the dentist about the pain in my neck and possible TMJ - she said I have a bit of an infection at the back of my mouth. My wisdom teeth are rubbing against a bit of my gum/cheek and causing an infection hence the uncomfortable feeling in my neck (not lymphoma then!)

But I just feel so lost today, things don't feel real, I feel like a lost cause right now. I feel like I am just letting everyone down because I feel so strange ever since my little moment the other day where I almost passed out. I am so scared I have a brain tumour even though the doctor once again assured me I do not. I just feel dizzy and strange. The depersonalisation is one of my most hated symotoms of anxiety. It absolutely does my head in and I just want to cry. I don't know what to do with my self and when will this nightmare ever end :( positivity just does not feel accessible today.

I just feel so very low :(

14-12-17, 14:46
big hugs OXO. Is there anything you can do to take your mind off things? Are you drinking plenty of water to help with the dizziness? Ive just started taking vitamins and magnesium supps and I already feel much brighter x

14-12-17, 14:50
big hugs OXO. Is there anything you can do to take your mind off things? Are you drinking plenty of water to help with the dizziness? Ive just started taking vitamins and magnesium supps and I already feel much brighter x

Thank you sweet!

I am at work right now, so I should be very distracted but my concentration is really off right now :( kind of looking forward to going home and watching Friends and writing some Christmas cards!

I definitely need to hydrate myself more. I've heard a lot about magnesium supplements, I will have to look into it!

14-12-17, 14:53
Does magnesium help? Was reading somewhere its good for tremors

14-12-17, 15:59
Does magnesium help? Was reading somewhere its good for tremors

Not sure! Definitely going to look into it more, I'm having a lot of tremors today :(

14-12-17, 16:02
Well I've been taking it for about 5 days now so too early to say. I do feel more chilled. I'm having symptoms still but I'm not anxious about them so that's good. I have noticed they are making my poop loose though so I'll have to watch it but I know that's one of the side effects. I'm taking them because of my leg aches I'm hoping the magnesium with the multi gits will help. If not I'll be off to the Drs in the new year!

14-12-17, 16:08
Well I've been taking it for about 5 days now so too early to say. I do feel more chilled. I'm having symptoms still but I'm not anxious about them so that's good. I have noticed they are making my poop loose though so I'll have to watch it but I know that's one of the side effects. I'm taking them because of my leg aches I'm hoping the magnesium with the multi gits will help. If not I'll be off to the Drs in the new year!

Interesting, that seems like it could really make a difference. I think I'll pop to the shops tonight and have a look :) any little thing that can help I think I'm willing to take haha

14-12-17, 16:15
I'm the same :D if I carry on I'll be rattling!! I bought tescos own brand, multivitamins and magnesium. 1 a day with food. Give it a go it can only make you poo more haha! :yahoo:

14-12-17, 16:26
Not sure! Definitely going to look into it more, I'm having a lot of tremors today :(
Same,chin up

14-12-17, 18:34
Same,chin up

You too! It will all soon pass, just got to stay positive x

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

Just posting again as my day didn't really pick up. I'm so convinced that the feeling of not being real is a sign of a brain tumour, especially after nearly passing out the other day. I feel like everything is adding up and its soon going to blow up and result in being a brain tumour.
What a rubbish day :(