View Full Version : Morning anxiety- tips for getting rid of it

14-12-17, 15:09
I know that cortisol is highest in the morning. I wake up feeling a jittery mess. I try my best to get myself and my son ready, but my heart starts skipping beats, i feel anxious, thoughts out of control etc. I have to take a klonopin every morning to settle down. Therapy is helpful, but when the time comes to employ these techniques, i just can't. My irrational brain takes over and my body goes into fight or flight. Anyone else get this. Any good tips. I'm determined to get over this anxiety beast.

14-12-17, 15:28
I feel the same way! My symptoms are usually sweaty palms which I notice right away while doing makeup and getting dressed. Then the stomach cramps set in, and my chest starts to feel tight. Are you going to bed at a decent hour? I would say try to make your nights are relaxing as possible so you can wake up more refreshed.

14-12-17, 17:31
I did got to bed later than usual yesterday- I had therapy last night. I also haven't been sleeping well the past few nights which is probably contributing to it. I hate getting those pesky skipped beats. Still feeling tired and on edge this morning :(