View Full Version : Dad had a Minor Stroke....now anxiety levels through the Roof

14-12-17, 18:05
On Sunday night we took my 66 year old Dad to the hospital as he was showing signs of a stroke. He had 3 CT Scan's and an MRI done they confirmed it was a minor stroke (they apparently rank them using numbers 0-42 and his ranked a 1/42) he is out of the hospital and feeling better however I on the other hand am a wreck....I lost my Mom 9 years ago and my Dad and I have always been close but since the loss of my mom we are exceptionally close I keep reading that after you have a stroke there is a chance you can have a second major stroke and this scares me.....it has kept me up at night....He doesn't Drink or Smoke and isn't overweight but strokes run in our family (His Dad had a stroke at 62 and his Mom at 74) I can't stop myself from searching stroke info online and everything that comes up I tend to go into a panic attack help!

14-12-17, 18:10
On Sunday night we took my 66 year old Dad to the hospital as he was showing signs of a stroke. He had 3 CT Scan's and an MRI done they confirmed it was a minor stroke (they apparently rank them using numbers 0-42 and his ranked a 1/42) he is out of the hospital and feeling better however I on the other hand am a wreck....I lost my Mom 9 years ago and my Dad and I have always been close but since the loss of my mom we are exceptionally close I keep reading that after you have a stroke there is a chance you can have a second major stroke and this scares me.....it has kept me up at night....He doesn't Drink or Smoke and isn't overweight but strokes run in our family (His Dad had a stroke at 62 and his Mom at 74) I can't stop myself from searching stroke info online and everything that comes up I tend to go into a panic attack help!

I am sorry to hear about your Dad and also sorry you lost your Mom 9 years ago. My parents are a similar age to your Dad and I worry about them both constantly, especially as my Mom had breast c-word a few years ago (she is all clear now thank God)

It is totally understandable that you will be in panic mode now. My Dad was in hospital a few years ago twice with suspected heart attacks. He is a big guy and drinks a lot and has diabetes so I worry about him so, so much. My parents are precious to me.

No real advice for you, other than I understand how you are feeling and I know how scary it can be when parents are ill. The most important thing though is that he is being checked out and treated. I know it is horrible when you are worrying but try not to look at too much stuff online if you can help it. Often stuff online always sets us off worrying even more.

I hope he makes a full recovery and I hope you feel better soon.