View Full Version : Visible & Strong Pulse on Neck

14-12-17, 19:07
Well I'm back with full blown panic about this annoying neck pulse.

I'm not one to do body checks and keep tabs on myself, but for the past month this has been driving me nuts. I have a really strong and visible pulse that's noticeable on my neck! For our anniversary, my husband gave me a necklace with a moon pendant that sits right on the notch of my collarbone. This has only made me notice the pulsations more because my pendant moves and it is terrifying. At first, I did not Google and just assumed it's nothing, although I don't remember noticing this before. Well, I googled and it was scary results as usual.

I'm 27/F, never had health issues other than an innocent heart murmur, which they told me would come and go from stress, or even stuff like body weight/pregnancy. I've had two echo cardiograms in my life, multiple ECG's, and a full week of having a heart monitor (mostly because I kept complaining about palpitations and a rapid pulse). All concluded fine and a cardiologist gave me a beta blocker for only if the palpitations were uncomfortable.

In July I had my yearly checkup, my BP then was 117/76. I checked my BP at a pharmacy around September and it was 115/74. I'm no longer as active as I was a few months ago, but I try to do exercise at least 20-30 minutes 4 times a week. I've been really stressed out at my current job and I've been having panic attacks weekly. I'm scared to check my BP now, and unfortunately the pulse is visible when I look in the mirror so it only reminds me that I should be afraid.

Does anyone else have this? I am looking for reassurance so I can move on from this!

14-12-17, 19:17
I literally have this. I look in the mirror, and I can see my pulse in my neck. Don't worry, it's not uncommon I don't think. Possibly even more common if you're a bit anxious anyway.

I'm not worried about it at all.

14-12-17, 19:59
Thanks, O_O

I heard it's incredibly common in thin persons, due to the neck area having less fat/skin so the pulse is always more visible. I'm not obese, but around 15 pounds overweight so I doubt that is my cause.

14-12-17, 20:18
Even if you're a little overweight, there's not normally much extra fat carried on the neck so I'm betting it's still just a normal pulse. But I guess no harm in just checking with the doctor to put your mind at rest.

14-12-17, 20:37
We are living sentient beings. We breath air and have blood coursing through our veins and arteries. Our chests rise and fall, we can see veins pulsing and hear our heartbeat. Our bodies move and twitch because that's what a living being does.

I'd be more concerned if you couldn't see or feel bodily sensations ;)

Positive thoughts

14-12-17, 22:17
I'd be more pleased than worried about this. It shows you have good healthy circulation.