View Full Version : Feeling awful flu like symptoms, aussie flu, freaked out

15-12-17, 00:45
Hi there
The last 4 days I have been feeling nauseated and no appetite. Tonight it has got worse I feel shivery all over, dizzy when walking, achy joints. I had a flu jab in October because of type2 diabetes but I am only 60% prevented from getting it apparently. I know I shouldnt have googled but I did and I read all about Aussie Flu it is going to be in the papers tomorrow about it. I am really worried

16-12-17, 00:59
Coming from an Australian, the possibility of getting seriously sick from the flu is quite small. It hit here in winter, and the news was basically scaremongering about it. Keep up the fluids and get lots of rest if you feel like you're coming down with the flu. Here you can go the doctor and they will swab you to see what kind of flu you have and then give you antibiotics, perhaps you can look into that if you are worried.

19-12-17, 04:03
My 3 year old and my 15 year old are just getting over this. I was paranoid I was going to get it. I am surprised I managed not to but my hands are so dry from washing them every 5 minutes and all the hand sanitizer I used.
I have saw in the news this year's flu is supposed to be pretty bad and the shot is only around 10 percent this year but in my opinion the news often blows things out of proportion.
Both my girls were bad off for 48 hours but after that they bounced back quickly with the exception of a lingering cough. They both tested postive for flu type A. The only other person in my house to get sick was my husband. He started with symptoms 3 days after my girls but he didn't have the same symptoms as them, his presented like a common cold.

I hope you get to feeling better soon

19-12-17, 09:29
It's just scaremongering. It's just a different strain of flu to what we are used to. Because it's new it's being overly reported on

19-12-17, 09:31
I wouldn't base any health related anxieties on scaremongering rags like The Sun, The Mirror, The Daily Mail etc.

Literally toilet paper.