View Full Version : Breast sensation

15-12-17, 13:51
Hi, I haven't posted for a while. Since before my period I have been getting a weird sensation in my right breast. It was really painful but the pain has mostly gone. Now I just keep getting an odd sensation like a tingling weird sensation and sometimes a slight pain in the left side the sensation is there most the time. I am scared it's cancer, I have had scans before last one in 2014/15 due to pain but not had this feeling. I have been told my right breast is hormonal but my period has been and gone and so no reason for the sensation to be there. I don't want to run to the doctors and doubt I will get seen how this year so wondering if anyone gets similar and if it does continue would I be ok to wait for an appointment in the new year? I am 31.
Thank you for reading.

15-12-17, 16:49
Hi I had something similar about 6 years ago. It lasted a good few months on and off. I found a lump nothing horrible but that’s how my anxiety started. The sensation went the lump stayed and that was that. My pain was like a shooting pain in my right boob. It was that fast it wasn’t really a pain and I’d say it’s almost like the drawing pains you get when your breastfeeding c

15-12-17, 17:06
Thank you for your reply. Yes mine is like a pinching feeling it's not a pain that really hurts but it's the worry that upsets me. Husband (my breast checker lol) has had a feel and can't feel anything different.

16-12-17, 03:27
I have the exact same thing! It’s almost like a tingling or numbness. I’ve been getting it around my nipple and also some slight pain around the outer art of my breast. I’ve felt for lumps and felt nothing. It’s been going since October and I keep touching my breast so I think it’s making it worse.