View Full Version : symptoms,symptoms,symptoms......

geordie flower
24-06-07, 15:19
Hiya, I as wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms to some that I am experiencing. I almost constantly feel on edge and nervous about something like I've done something wrong! My brain seems to be on high alert that I cant switch off, and I seem to have a almost constant tremour/shake in my hands. My head sometimes feels so full and bizzy that its going to explode but I'm not in any pain and I feel a little faint although I've never fainted yet. Oh and I forgot to mention the dizziness! Plese can anyone relate to any of this thanks for reading tracey :) xx

24-06-07, 17:38
Sounds like my day to day life!

25-06-07, 00:27
I can relate....I also have the dizziness and the faint feeling.

25-06-07, 04:38
:) Sound like typical anxiety symtoms. It feels like you've had to much coffee even though you haven't. I hate it. Even when you realize it and calm down a little the shakes and faint feeling go slowly, its not instant, which sometimes makes you feel it not just panic, its something else, which makes it last longer!:ohmy: A cruddy cycle. Note how you feel so the next time you feel it you'll know its stress and it wont last as long.:D

25-06-07, 07:03

yep typical anxiety symptoms but that dont make it any easier does it, regarding the shaking, clentch your hands make a fist and hold it hold it to the count of 4 , do this with all your muscles through out the body ( not all at the same time tho ) and they shakin should ease ...

With the dizziness, either you havent eaten or your tired , so get a cup of tea or a drink of fruit juice and then lie down for a while do some breathing excersises........ allow yourself time to rest , then if that doesnt help then Keep going dont give into it, I know its very unpleasant - I remember walking and feeling as though i was drunk !!

hope this helps
