View Full Version : Chest heaviness, extreme fear and panic, gassy

15-12-17, 20:54
Hi there, I am 22 years old. I have just finished a two year prison sentence in Scotland for the sale of drugs. I was a very vulnerable teenager and was manipulated from a young age and now engage avidly in youth work in my local area to prevent what happened to me happening to other children. I have suffered from anxiety my entire life but never had a panic attack.

Last Saturday I was electrocuted by a household appliance, a 120 volt shock to be exact. Immediately following (this occurred 11pm) I had what I can only describe as an extreme panic attack that lasted for the better part of four hours and left me with chest ache until the next morning when I saw the GP who after giving me an ECG and telling me I was fine, the ache disappeared. At regular intervals this week I have experienced hour long periods of chest ache which I put down to anxiety as I have previously experienced these when smoking cannabis which I quit three weeks ago tomorrow. However, on a Wednesday evening I felt this chest heaviness which I tried to dismiss and went to sleep however when I awoke all day Thursday I had this tightness in my chest that wouldn't cease accompanied by anxiety, a fear of impending doom, I tried to give a lot of charity as I felt as if I was dying and wanted to atone for prior sins and spent until 3am having extreme anxiety googling my symptoms.

This morning I STILL have this chest ache (and has?) I am not sure whether or not I am having heart palpitations or the gas is shifting in my chest. Anyhow, I went to my GP and was told in not so many words by my GP that; it was probably anxiety, he gave me an ECG and blood pressure checks which he said were completely normal and then I had an argument with him saying I wanted a hospital referral and he said it would be a waste of a bed. I have had this dull ache in the centre of my chest, accompanied by a lot of gas and involuntary deep breaths or an urge to yawn, and go through periods where I am non stop GOogling what it could be. As aforementioned I have previously suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life and am quite unhealthy st the moment. Could any rationalise my symptoms for me? Thank you kindly,


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In addition last night after my panic attack I found myself frequently awoken from my sleep with a cold sensation in my chest and anxiety, and when I did manage 3 hours sleep I had extremely vivid dreams. Please helpe

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

As I am lying here I have a HEAVY sensation on the left side of my chest almost pushing me down