View Full Version : Weaning off citalopram..

16-12-17, 02:05
I've been on 40mg for so many years now and lately am so anxious I guess there just not working anymore :( so my doc wants me to wean off them.. I lowered from 40mg to 30mg about 4days ago and I feel terrible (trembling / stomach all knotted up/ hot flushes etc) then next the I have to go down from 30 to 20mg.. is this to much of a jump going down in 10's???

I will be starting new meds once I wean off these

16-12-17, 07:36
I've been on 40mg for so many years now and lately am so anxious I guess there just not working anymore :( so my doc wants me to wean off them.. I lowered from 40mg to 30mg about 4days ago and I feel terrible (trembling / stomach all knotted up/ hot flushes etc) then next the I have to go down from 30 to 20mg.. is this to much of a jump going down in 10's???

I will be starting new meds once I wean off these

Yes - the significant withdrawals are a message from your body/brain that the drop was too much. :(

The preferred method is to drop by 10% of your previous dose and take that for 3-4 weeks. Repeat until you've weaned off the drug. This method takes a very long time and usually involves switching to the liquid form or getting a custom dose made [compound pharmacy] to be accurate.

Another method is to alternate dose every day 30mg/25mg/30mg/25mg/30mg/25mg and take 25mg for ~3 weeks. Repeat for 25/20, 20/15, 15/10, 10/5, 5/0. This method takes ~6 months but is easier than the 10% method.

There is the cross taper method where you taper off your current med while increasing dosage of the other med. Here is an example of tapering off Citalopram and switching to Effexor:

1st Week: 30mg Celexa (Night) + 37.5mg Effexor (Morning)

2nd Week: 20mg Celexa (Night) + 75mg Effexor (Morning)

3rd Week: 10mg Celexa (Night) + 150mg Effexor (Morning)

4th Week: 150mg Effexor continued as regular dose

Good luck with your taper and new meds as it can be rough tapering off an SSRI :(

17-12-17, 00:03
My doc I seen was pretty new so didn't no me well I did ask can I drop the tabs by 5mg I will have to go see him cos it's kicking my gastritis off bein so anxious

17-12-17, 06:32
I would go with the advice on here:


If you GP is reducing you faster to switch you over that may be more understandable although it may need lenghtening still to avoid the harsher withdrawal effects.