View Full Version : Why on earth give us something that will make us worse!?

16-12-17, 08:42
I am on day 15 of 10mg of Citalopram and 40mg of Proprananol (3 times a day) and I’ve just woke up feeling very anxious. I’ve suffered from anxiety for years and years but the anxiety I’m feeling now is constant. Like a constant hum of anxiety and I feel like my heart is going to start racing at any moment so I’m aware of my breathing and keeping myself calm.

My question is what exactly is happening to me? We are told that “this is normal” or “wait it out”... but why?

Why do we have to endure these horrid side effects that personally are making me worse than I was before I started taking the medication?

What exactly is happening within the body/brain for this to happen. I’m increasing to 20mg on Monday as advised by gp and frankly I’m terrified at what’s coming. Surely medicine should be making me feel better rather than making me scared!?

I just feel like my anxiety is getting worse and actually would prefer just to return back to being the way I was before medication.

Someone please tell me this is worth it because I’m losing hope here.

I have a life I want to live but since being on these meds, I’ve become uninterested in everything, tired to the point of wanting to sleep all day, and when I’m awake being anxious and genuinely scared I’ll have a panic attack!

16-12-17, 10:25
Hey Jamie, it's the nature of the way the meds work from my understanding. My doctor told me I would get worse before better and she wasn't wrong. From what she told me they take everything away before they start putting it all back, seratonin I think. I had a really rough ride on 20mg cut but when it kicked in it was amazing. Unfortunately we do have to wait, which I know is the worst thing for someone with anxiety. Keep going, 20mg is a theraputic dose and you'll get there.