View Full Version : jolt of panic

24-06-07, 16:18
sometimes when i go to sleep i wake up but the when trying to go back to sleep i sort of start falling asleep and get jolted with panic. I feel like as if something just electricuted me. I dont shake i mean its just like a shock of a very strong fear then my heart starts beating real fast and if i keep trying to sleep it keeps happening i have to get up and walk around or take some deep breaths and then it goes away

does this ever happen to anyone? i sthis normal with anxiety because i am very scared of it!!! :(

25-06-07, 15:14
Hi Dee
I get this too. I even get it when I am not going through any anxiety. It's horrible and always scares me. I find also that if I get up then go back that it goes. Sometimes though I get it several times in a row.
Hope that helps?
Love Sarah