View Full Version : Vitamin D deficiency

16-12-17, 13:59
Hi everyone,

I'm currently being investigated for possible MS (praying it's not) however, I've just been diagnosed with severely low vitamin d. (6ng/ml, normal level is 40ng/ml)

My symptoms are heaviness and weakness in my right arm and leg, numb patches everywhere and dizziness and balance problems.

Has anyone ever had this deficiency? If so, could you please share your symptoms? I'm praying that this is the cause of mine

16-12-17, 15:57
Yes. Last year, my blood showed very low D levels. I was given a prescription strength D that I took once a week for a couple of months and then told to start taking an OTC supplement. I was having body and joint pain as well as fatigue. Just due to my age and medical issues, I always have these symptoms but they have significantly lessened over the last year since my levels have returned to normal ranges.

Positive thoughts

16-12-17, 16:47
did you experience any actual weakness or numbness?

16-12-17, 16:59
I was told that the only problem with blood tests is that it only tests for the vitamin on the particular day the test is taken.... you could be low/or high on that day and then the next it could be totally different

16-12-17, 18:15
I just got mine tested and it was low. I have had fatigue but it's getting better, however mine was 36nmol/l which I think is equivalent to about 14 on the scale you're using, which is classed as insufficient rather than deficient so I doubt it's low enough to cause a lot of symptoms in my case.

17-12-17, 05:59

I had a severe vitamin D deficiency back in March of this year. Never had that tested before. Was given the same as Fishmanpa but twice a week for around 3 months. I was experiencing pain and aches, general unwell feeling + twitches and vibrations around my chest and stomach areas! I dunno how much of it was actually because I was deficient or 'nerves' or something. I bet half the population of the colder, wetter, darker climate countries are in the same boat.

Feel better soon.

17-12-17, 09:34
I’m wondering if I’m vitamin deficient as I keep getting leg ache. Can you buy good supps over the counter?

17-12-17, 10:31
I have supplements that I bought online and they are 2000 iu, I don't know what prescription strength is but probably higher than that.

17-12-17, 11:26
Thanks cattia

17-12-17, 14:16
I've just looked again and the ones I have are actually 5000iu.

17-12-17, 19:32
What make are they?

18-12-17, 21:29
What make are they?

you're best going to your GP, if you are deficient you'll get prescription strength, which is 20,000 iu a day (this is what I take) regular vitamin D is not enough x

18-12-17, 22:25
Too much synthetic vitamin D (which is actually a fat-soluble hormone) forces calcium where you don't want it. Into the blood, then into organs and muscle tissue

18-12-17, 22:56
I had severely low Vitamin d too. I had lots of symptoms but wouldn’t be able to say if they were anxiety related or bit d related. My old doctor said best and most natural source of vitamin d is the sun. 20 minutes a day. I try to do that now.

18-12-17, 23:08
I had severely low Vitamin d too. I had lots of symptoms but wouldn’t be able to say if they were anxiety related or bit d related. My old doctor said best and most natural source of vitamin d is the sun. 20 minutes a day. I try to do that now.

Same. I aim for 30-40 mins during the dry season, because I'm so far north. Impossible during the rainy season, so I try to boost my food sources, take cod liver oil, etc

18-12-17, 23:15
If you walked out in the sun here in Sydney at the moment you would fry but I usually make a point of getting some sun each day.,

18-12-17, 23:22
I usually spend Christmas/NY in Sydney every two or three years, and it about kills me now, lol. I'm used to summer highs of about 22.

18-12-17, 23:22
I've been low on vitamin d for 2 years now, I'm also low on B12. I am going monthly for B12 injections and taking a supplement everyday plus a vitamin d supplement. My Dr. said low vitamin d is VERY common.

18-12-17, 23:28
Sydney at Christmas? Everyone in Sydney is always in a hurry but at Christmas they become manic. I love the sound of 22 summer highs. I have a house down South, a 10 minute walk from the beach. In summer it is usually 10 degrees cooler there. Do you know Batemans Bay Mel?

18-12-17, 23:36
Yep, I love it down there. Give me Milton/Mollymook over Byron/Brunswick any day

18-12-17, 23:41
Me too. ��