View Full Version : Back Again!

16-12-17, 18:13
Hi, my name is Natalie. The last time I was on this site was 2014 so I figured I'd reintroduce myself! I have been a long time sufferer of emetophobia and have anxiety and OCD as a result of that phobia. I have been managing very well for a long time but recently I have suffered a set back due to a friend being ill whilst staying with me which has triggered a lot of anxiety and I am back to being as bad as I ever was, even struggling to go to work/eat/sleep etc.

It has been a struggle to have to admit I am back to the beginning again with my anxiety but I hope that being on here and acknowledging the problems will help.

16-12-17, 18:28
Hiya Natnob and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-12-17, 08:45
Hiya natalie. I'm right there with you hun. I could have written your intro myself!
Feeling so scared and miserable this winter. Can't wait for Spring. Kids have just had second sick bug of the season (this week) I've dealt with this one better that the last one. I was off work for 7 weeks after Octobers sick bug :-(
Taking fluoxetine 90mg (3 tablets a day now) as like yourself I have OCD related to the emetophobia (I call it Norophobia, because weirdly only sick bug sick scares me). I also struggle eating like yourself and finding Xmas rough. I'm angry at this phobia as its ruining the happy memories I should be making with my kids at Xmas time. Am due to start CBT on 26th Jan. I can't imagine it helping but I'll give anything a go. Just wanted u to know ur not alone xx