View Full Version : Constant feeling of anxiety

16-12-17, 20:28
Sorry to post again. If no one replies then that’s okay. I guess I’m writing this for my own benefit to take my mind off how I’m feeling right now....

Earlier tonight I had a panic attack... I was exhausted after it but tried to carry on as normal. Since then I’ve had a constant feeling of anxiety in the pit of my stomach, chocking feeling in my throat too... it just will not go away.

I’m lying in bed now and I’m so tired but this feeling, this horrible horrible feeling just will not go away.

I’ve never had anxiety this bad before and believe it may be the medication that’s supposed to help me that’s causing it. I’ve been in Citalopram and propranolol for just over 2 weeks now and I’m suffering so so bad from this.

All I want is peace and calm...

16-12-17, 20:51
Hi Jamie,

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. It really does feel like a living nightmare when you're in that state of non stop anxiety that will not let up.

What you have to remember is that how you feel right now will pass, it always does. No feeling every stays the same. Also as hard as it sounds, the best way to get these feelings to pass is to accept the feelings and let them come. However horrible they are, they cannot hurt you. Let them melt through you, don't resist them. Float through them and eventually they will calm down. Whatever you resist persists is true with anxiety.

It's harder than it sounds I know but just try not to react to these feelings so much, just let them be there and don't fight them. They will go away trust me.

16-12-17, 20:56
Yes. Stay on the meds. The start up effects will pass.

17-12-17, 10:34
Hi Jamie,

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. It really does feel like a living nightmare when you're in that state of non stop anxiety that will not let up.

What you have to remember is that how you feel right now will pass, it always does. No feeling every stays the same. Also as hard as it sounds, the best way to get these feelings to pass is to accept the feelings and let them come. However horrible they are, they cannot hurt you. Let them melt through you, don't resist them. Float through them and eventually they will calm down. Whatever you resist persists is true with anxiety.

It's harder than it sounds I know but just try not to react to these feelings so much, just let them be there and don't fight them. They will go away trust me.

Thanks so much for the reply! Really needed that, so thanks again.

Last night was the worst I’ve ever felt in my whole life. I’ve had anxiety forever but last night was just hell. Like a constant ‘Buzz’ of anxiety that just would not budge. I was so terrified...

I’ve woke up this morning and it has gone but I still feel some anxiety and having weird sensations in my head almost as if someone is pressing the palm of their hands on the side of my head...

I really do think it’s the medication taking hold and I’m just trying to go with it. I’m hoping and praying it passes soon as I just want to get back to my life and start enjoying it again.