View Full Version : Side effects are unbearable

17-12-17, 10:48
I’m taking 10mg Citalopram and 40mg Propranolol for anxiety and have been on them for 2 weeks now and upping my dose to 20mg as of tomorrow... and I am *hit scared as I’ve went through hell the past few days....

My anxiety has always been bad but only in certain situations but the side effects of this medicine has turned me into an anxious wreck. I’m now feeling anxious 24-7 lately with last night being the worst. I had a panic attack which I think I handled well but going to sleep was a nightmare. I had a constant severe buzz of anxiety in my gut that just would not go away. It was terrifying! I’m so tired and haven’t left my house for days.

I have never felt anything like this even before I took this medicine.

Please please, someone reassure me. Will this ever pass as I can’t go on like this! I feel more anxious than I ever have and I’m depressed which I never was.

I just don’t know what to do anymore...

17-12-17, 23:07
Just wanted to post an update for anyone that read my original post. What a difference a day makes.... but today I am doing so much better. Still tired and still quite demotivated but the extreme severe anxiety I experienced has gone. Maybe it was just a side effect of the medication but it really was the worst I’ve ever felt. I feel at peace for now. I’ll update on anything else that happens good or bad. I’m upping to 20mg as of tomorrow and hope and pray I don’t experience all the side effects again.

17-12-17, 23:10
I'm only on day 3 of cit and I feel just terrible. I don't think I can bear this for another week and a half. Or if I gets even worse.

17-12-17, 23:32
I'm only on day 3 of cit and I feel just terrible. I don't think I can bear this for another week and a half. Or if I gets even worse.

I am by no means cured but all I can say is that whatever you experience WILL PASS! I’ve read so much about this medication and people react differently to it but for me it actually brought on my anxiety and increased it by what felt like 100%! But I’m having a calm day... a calm night, normal breathing, relaxed.

I still have a long way to go but I feel like I’m prepared for whatever is to come if it means getting better.

Here anytime if you need to chat X

19-12-17, 17:51
Hey guys. What you both have described is pretty normal for the early stages of citalopram. I am on week 7 right now and have had every side effect in the book.
This medicine increases anxiety in the early stages. I had several panic attacks the first week which i never had before, and a ton of side effects. They will diminish over time and i currently only have some ear pressure and muscle tension still lingering from my early side effects. Hang in there!

20-12-17, 18:19
Yep, just posting to say hang in there, it does get better. 2 weeks for the side effects to clear then probably another 2-4 weeks before you start feeling better. It's not a quick fix but it's worth the wait!

Feel better
21-12-17, 14:49
Hi I'm four days in on 20mg I feel horrific can't be left alone, constantly panicking I literally feel like I'm going to die please tell me is this normal? N wen will I stop feeling this bad. I can't cope

21-12-17, 15:58
Have your doctor prescribed Xanax or valium..for that awful yucky feeling your having which is quite normal with celexa.there is no way that I could of push forward without Xanax ..don't suffered..take care