View Full Version : i know i shouldnt be scared, but i am !! HIV test -HELP

17-12-17, 11:15
hi everyone,
so every december the 1st ( the world AIDS day)i get reminded about unprotected , insertive vaginal sex i had 8 years ago, and though it's been a long time, with zero symptoms, no weight loss , even if i try to lose some, i am still freaking out, i got married ever since and have 2 healthy children , my wife has always tested negative throughout pregnancies, i had given blood last friday and results will be in on monday or tuesday... and eventhough i know i shouldnt be worried, i am litterally unable to do the simplest tasks today...my wife knew this and she thinks , i need to go see a psychologist instead.it is hard, but i gotta do it and be done with it, or else i will have to freak out every December.

17-12-17, 14:29
...my wife knew this and she thinks , i need to go see a psychologist instead.

Listen to your wife. Remember, “if momma ain't happy, then no one's gonna be happy.” :D

Positive thoughts