View Full Version : Recovered but still can't socialise/enjoy myself

17-12-17, 18:26

I posted in the summer that I had an anxiety relapse: I was having daily panic attacks and was constantly feeling sick so lost a lot of weight etc. It was a really dark time for me and I became withdrawn from everything and very selfish etc.

However, since I've been back at university, the routine has helped me loads and so has 6 weeks of CBT. I'm eating normally again and have more energy and haven't had a panic attack in two months or so. My grades are also really good. However, I seem to be stuck in a particular place. I am constantly fearing a panic attack to the point where I have stopped socialising and don't want to go anywhere or do anything in case it happens. I've lost interest in a lot of things I once loved and it's really getting me down. I just have a feeling of dread, even if it's something as simple as going out for a coffee with a friend.
I have sensorimotor OCD as well (obsessively thinking about breathing) and it hasn't really gone away since I went back to university. This has prevented me from going out and having a good time. Although I'm generally happy mood-wise, I just don't have fun anymore.

Can anyone give me any tips for this? I feel 80% recovered but this is preventing me from getting the most out of university and my social life.

Thanks in advance! :D

19-12-17, 21:03
Anyone? :)