View Full Version : Numbness right arm, leg and face...feels like something in my throat

17-12-17, 21:17
Hi, its been a while since I have posted here. I thought I had been managing my anxiety etc really well....until early last week. Out of the blue my right arm started feeling like it wasnt mine...kind of numb (like when you lay on it funny)....then my right leg and tingling on my face. The tingling comes and goes....but the arm and leg numbness has been pretty constant for the last 5 days. It kinda feels like Im gonna have a migraine....but dont get the strange vision or jeadache. I cant for the life of me think what could have triggered it....but now Im terrified!! I stupidly googled my symptoms which was the worst thing I could have done. Any advice on how to sort this??? Xx

18-12-17, 16:57
Hi Shellbird

Have you felt any relief today? Perhaps its a silent migraine? These can sometimes happen out of the blue for migraine sufferers. That might explain the lack of headache pain or altered vision.

18-12-17, 19:26
I have never heard of a silent migrain before!!! How i am feeling is how I feel as a migraine is just starting!! I am still suffering the symptoms almost a week on...and have been terrified I have some killer illness....having googled silent migraines i suddenly feel so much calmer!!! Xx

18-12-17, 20:08
Hope you feel better soon, keep us posted :) xx