View Full Version : Mirtazapine- where exactly does the weight gain occur?

17-12-17, 22:15
Hi guys,
This might seem like a silly/trivial question but my doctor has offered starting me on Mirtazapine and one of the main warnings that people give me are about weight gain.

I am naturally skinny so I don't mind gaining a few pounds as long it's is general weight gain.
However, I have seen a few articles saying that most of the weight gain is around the stomach area.

Is this true or have people just seen general weight gain around their body??


22-12-17, 15:17
No its got nothing to do with fat just around the tummy but if that area is where the fat goes if you overeat anyway then that's where it will go if your overeating on Mirt. It can make you want to eat more so weigh up what more important, your mental health and perhaps a few lb's of fat that you can shift once you feel better or give it a miss because of the chance of putting on a few lb's but feel crap mentally.

I took the mirt along with a few lb's of fat and glad I did the drug hs worked well for me.

22-12-17, 23:37
If I was to hazard a guess, I would say that people who have been full-figured since childhood will tend to gain weight all over, but slender men will tend to gain weight most around the abdomen. It's got more to do with the distribution of fat cells around the body than the drug.