View Full Version : Mysterious lump on leg...

17-12-17, 22:40
Hi everyone,

This year has been a rollercoaster for me and now I am dealing with some worry over this lump I've had in my leg for over a year now. I can't quite remember exactly when it appeared or how, but one day I remember squatting and noticing this lump on my left leg (on my calf above my ankle and to the side) and I ran my hand over it and pressed on it and it feels "spongy" if that makes sense? Anyway I thought nothing of it and pressed on but when I began to exercise it hurts so bad and my foot goes tingly and achy, the outside skin goes numb and all sorts. However after resting from exercise (between 10-30 minutes) the pain goes away and resolves. Now I've joined the gym I've found the treadmill almost impossible to do due to the pain and I went to finally see a doctor about it two days ago. She felt the lump and said she thinks its a sebaceous cyst and is due to an ingrown hair. I explained about the pain etc and she says she thinks it's nothing serious but is going to book me a scan just in case...I have no idea what scan or what exactly the scan is meant to rule out. I'm 17 and worried it might be a sarcoma given the time I've had it...I'm both glad and scared about the scan...on one hand it will re-assure me/rule out things, but on the other I am so scared that it will reveal I have something really bad and because of the time I've left it it will be too late.:unsure::weep:

Any re-assurance or similar experiences will be greatly appreciated.

Peace and love

17-12-17, 23:46
Lipoma? I've one in my back. Very common