View Full Version : Random nosebleed

17-12-17, 23:53
I was sitting at my aunts house laughing at a joke. I put my head downwards from laughing and then I just felt like I had a runny nose starting. I got a knleenex and wiped and it was blood. In that moment I was so freaked out from seeing blood I couldn’t even think of anything else. It stopped within seconds. I ran out of the bathroom half in tears and told my mom and they just laughed and said that it’s normal and happens sometimes and that it’s winter so my nose could be dry. But that has never happened to me before... lately I’ve been kinda getting headaches a little bit but I don’t eben know if they are real or in my mind... I’m so freaked out could this be just a dry nose??

Chris 614
18-12-17, 06:42
Yes, it can definitely be dry nose. I've been getting random nose bleeds this winter too. To keep things moist you can use a saline nose spray if you want to.

18-12-17, 10:52
It could also be from bursting a small blood vessel from laughing and having your head down. Nothing to worry about.