View Full Version : I have a concussion and need advice if I should go to the ER

18-12-17, 00:56
Okay so four days ago I was in P.E and these boys were kicking a ball at the wall as hard as they possibly could. One ended up hitting me in the head. I had a severe headache and for days and ended up going to the ER about it yesterday.

The doctor told me I have a concussion and did a balance test. He said because I didn't blackout or have memory loss that he didn't need to do a brain scan.

Well last night I started feeling intense pressure behind my right eyebrow which is close to where I got hit but not exactly. Right now the pressure is intense and won't go away. It feels like a knot in my head.

I've had headaches, dizziness, and nausea but this knot like pressure is new. I'm very worried that it could be a clot (?). It feels so dense. Like a golf ball in my head.

Im unsure of what to do. Should I be worried? Please help. I'm having a panic attack. :(

18-12-17, 02:37
My husband has has many concussions due to sports. What you are experiencing is pretty normal post-concussion symptoms. You can't do anything to "cure" the concussion; you can only treat the symptoms. What medication did the doc tell you to take? Normally the doc tells you to take ibuprofen or tylenol and rest. Stay off the tv, computer, don't drive, etc. The doc can give you medication for the nausea if you need it or stronger pain meds.

Do you have a 24 hour nurse line for your doc that you could call?