View Full Version : Doing better...then not! Anyone else?

Chris 614
18-12-17, 06:01
I'm not sure what I'm looking for right now, but I've experienced something that might be a little help. I've had anxiety/panic/health anxiety for most of my adult life. Most years were manageable, others not so much. The last few years have been particularly difficult due to things that happened in my life a few years back. Over the past ten months I've been improving...The past four months have been going really well.

During the rough times I have all of the physical symptoms. Heart issues, stomach issues, twitching, dizzy, etc., etc., the list is endless. These past four months the symptoms almost completely disappeared. It's shocking really. Then last week I got a head cold with laryngitis. Health anxiety kicked in. All of a sudden I was having panic attacks, heart flutters, blurred vision, stomach pain, and then tonight i had an esophageal spasm...Which I haven't had since I've been doing better these past four months. It's been a horrible week! It feels like I've been derailed.

I keep remembering the last four months...And want to point out to everyone that when my anxiety wasn't crazy, my body was so much happier. I know it's hard to believe when you are in it that what you are feeling isn't a real disease though! I just don't want to go back to the anxious me!

Has anyone gone through this and gotten back on track?


18-12-17, 17:54
I have been pretty good lately even with symtoms I have not let them get to me. I can feel the anxiety rising and really don't want it to escalate.

18-12-17, 21:40
I have the same, but not with months sadly. I have it with days, a week max that I feel good and then after that week I seriously think it's my last days on this earth..