View Full Version : Gallbladder, pancreas, liver fears... again

14-12-17, 17:47
Got a urine infection and dr said lots of keytones in urine. Im not diabetic and my blood sugar was normal but all I had to eat today was toast about 7 hours ago so could be that?

I have at UTI symptoms on and off for just over a week but this afternoon the pain got very bad and I felt ill so went to a walk-in centre. A nurse checked my urine and said I have an infection and a dr prescribed me antibiotics. However, they said I have a lot of keytones in my urine! I am so worried about this and have never had this happen before.

I have been eating slightly less lately and like I said I didn't eat for about 7 hours prior to the urine test so could it just be that?

I am going out of my mind with worry! I feel so poorly and I am terrified something is wrong! The dr at the walk in even said to go to my own dr on Monday to check my keytones are back to normal!

Please someone help, I am having a full blown panic attack!

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

Also is it normal to get bad pain in the sides with an UTI? I am in agony. Waiting for my husband to collect my antibiotics and going to ask him to get me some painkillers too. Feel like something is really wrong with me :(

14-12-17, 20:32
Yes it's normal to get extremely bad pain with a UTI. I had a particularly bad one where I was peeing blood and was bent double with the cramping pains (that's not me being over-dramatic. I was in a right state). UTIs are scary if you haven't had one before. You will feel fatigued and ill and need to rest up until the antibiotics kick in.

I don't know how much eating slightly less is for you obviously, but yes ketones in urine can be caused by not eating. I think it's classified as fasting if you don't eat for more than a certain number of hours. Make sure you're eating regular meals before the next test and make sure you're getting enough calories for your weight/height.

14-12-17, 20:40
I used to get terrible bladder infections, and even a couple of kidney infections. The pain is awful! I would pee blood too. Luckily, the antibiotics should sort you out but you might be in pain for a bit longer I'm afraid :(

14-12-17, 21:53
Thanks for the replies. I am in agony. Had two lots of cocodamol and its not touching it. Hoping the antibiotics kock in soon. The pains running up my back and I feel sick and weak. I am not worrying over the ketones thing so much now. I'd barely ate today and have been trying to eat less to lose weight so guessing its that. The pains so bad its actually knocked my anxiety out! I just want some relief but if cocodamol isnt doing it theres nothing else I can do xxx

14-12-17, 22:06
I know, it's horrible. Hot water bottles on your lower back and front if you have them are a help. Also, accepting you won't sleep much or at all tonight probably so line up some podcasts or music to listen to. Fill up a bottle of water by your bed and keep sipping from it (even though it will probably hurt and cramp a lot to pee - keep drinking it). Stick to plain water and boiled water until this passes x

14-12-17, 22:16
I know, it's horrible. Hot water bottles on your lower back and front if you have them are a help. Also, accepting you won't sleep much or at all tonight probably so line up some podcasts or music to listen to. Fill up a bottle of water by your bed and keep sipping from it (even though it will probably hurt and cramp a lot to pee - keep drinking it). Stick to plain water and boiled water until this passes x

I have had UTIs before but not like this. Hoping the codeine in the cocodamol knocks me out a bit but nothing yet. Massively thirsty so drinking lots and lots of water. Hubby snores so either me or him will be on the sofa tonight, probably me! Got tonnes of tv shows to catch up on so will do that but praying I sleep and feel better tomorrow.

15-12-17, 14:20
How are you doing today? Any better at all? x

15-12-17, 20:40
How are you doing today? Any better at all? x

Was feeling better earlier but suffering again tonight. Been given strong painkillers and dr said to go back on Monday if not better. Dr said not to worry about ketones in urine, said its just cause I am not eating much.

The pain is mainly on my right side, feels like it is coming from my ovary like a stabbing pain. Worried about ovarian c-word :( I had a miscarriage (silent miscarriage so had a d&c) and had several ultrasound scans back in June so surely if there was anything bad they would have picked it up? They did say I had cysts but they were normal ones.

The pain reminds me very much of endometriosis pain. Perhaps the UTI is irritating the endometriosis?

I am on 30/500 cocodamol and it is making me feel sicky and drowsy but I am still in pain.

Really worrying I will have to go back to the drs on Monday :( could just do without this worry at the moment.

16-12-17, 10:57
Really freaking out this morning. So worried about c-word. Feel worse than yesterday, weak and sick and pain is worse. On a 3 day course of 100mg Nitrofurantoin which I started on Thursday night and worried they arent working.

My husband thinks I am worse today as I over did it yesterday and need to rest. It doesnt burn when I pee anymore but I have pain that feels like its coming from my right ovary when I cough, strain or even walk.

So frightened I will have to go back for more tests and I hate that. Sometimes I think my fear of tests is worse than my fear of illness!

So fed up. I wish I could shake these fears. Trying to distract myself but its hard when I feel so sick.

16-12-17, 13:57
That it doesn't burn to pee any more is a good sign that the antibiotics are working. So is having a period of time yesterday where you felt better. Cancer does not respond to antibiotics as you know. UTIs are really nasty and the symptoms are scary until you know what you've got - you know, you have all the symptoms and they are starting to respond to treatment. I think it took me about 4 days on the antibiotics I was on to notice any improvement. I remember getting upset thinking they weren't working too.

Your husband is right about resting up and not doing too much. You'll be feeling better hopefully after the weekend if you can rest up x

17-12-17, 11:44
That it doesn't burn to pee any more is a good sign that the antibiotics are working. So is having a period of time yesterday where you felt better. Cancer does not respond to antibiotics as you know. UTIs are really nasty and the symptoms are scary until you know what you've got - you know, you have all the symptoms and they are starting to respond to treatment. I think it took me about 4 days on the antibiotics I was on to notice any improvement. I remember getting upset thinking they weren't working too.

Your husband is right about resting up and not doing too much. You'll be feeling better hopefully after the weekend if you can rest up x

Thanks :) I am feeling a bit better today and managed to have my driving lesson (my test is a week on Friday! eek!)

I finished my antibiotics this morning (was only on a 3 day course) and I still feel a bit sore round my tummy but not sure if I need to see the dr or not. Hoping it has cleared up. Going to see how I am the rest of today and if I still feel a bit iffy tomorrow will ring up.

I am less worried about c-word now. It is hard to relax though cause one the idea is in my head it grows and grows. I find it hard cause I have endometriosis so often I have lots of symptoms and it worries me.

I am doing much better now but still feel a bit sicky, although I think some of that is from the antibiotics and anxiety (and also maybe xmas excitement!)

18-12-17, 08:49
I have a UTI and I thought it was better but last night I felt really sick with it. To be honest, I had been drinking. Quite a lot. Yes I know that is stupid when I have a UTI. I did it cause I got massively upset/low and felt I needed it. I wish I hadn't though as now I feel terrible!

Anyway I had awful pain in my right hand side and going up my back and terrible nausea. This morning it is burning when I pee again, but only a little bit. I only had a 3 day course of antibiotics which I finished yesterday morning.

If I breath and relax, I notice my symptoms less. I tried to ring the doctors this morning but can't get through so going to just see how I get on today.

About a month ago a doctor examined my tummy and said everything was fine. I keep pressing on my liver area and although it feels a bit tender it doesnt feel swollen and there is no severe pain.

Could it be possible anxiety is actually causing these symptoms and making me feel worse than I am? I feel like I am losing my mind :(

Firstly, any ache or pain makes me worry about the c-word (yes that is irrational) secondly, I have a fear of doctors/hospitals so even if it isn't that, I worry about going in with minor stuff. I hate tests!

I am so frightened there is something wrong with me and its all going to get worse over Christmas :(

18-12-17, 09:37
It sounds like you've set your recovery from your UTI back a bit from drinking. A hangover is a bad combination with anxiety as it ramps it up, and is making your mind leap to sinister things (so yes, it is making your symptoms seem worse in that you are misreading them as your anxiety is sky high).

All the symptoms you've mentioned in this thread are typical of a UTI. All of them. Nothing suggests anything else. A UTI just takes a while to get better is all. Were you expecting to be better by now? That is unrealistic - maybe your doc didn't explain that it takes a lot longer as they are nasty infections.

18-12-17, 15:25
its a uti. I tend to love my wine too and i often panic over tummy pains and such and think its my liver but the pains alwya go away and often dont happen after drinking but happen at other times. When im logical i realize its my digestion and if i have rich food and wine well im gonna have tummy pains the next day.

19-12-17, 11:37
I am feeling ok today. It is hard to know what is the UTI, what is endometriosis pain and what is anxiety. I am not going to see the dr unless I start to feel poorly. I do not need to see the dr. If I felt so unwell that I couldn't get off the sofa I would do something but I suspect 99% of this is health anxiety rather than actual physical stuff.

I always seem to get a UTI around this time of year too. Weird. Booze and rich food definitely doesnt help matters so maybe its that?

19-12-17, 13:20
I doubt whether you would feel like booze and rich food if you were terminally ill, Snowflake. Nor would you have been able to concentrate on a driving lesson. You know it's your HA in overdrive and the UTI has set your thoughts racing. I'd stay off the booze until your UTI has cleared up?

20-12-17, 09:42
I doubt whether you would feel like booze and rich food if you were terminally ill, Snowflake. Nor would you have been able to concentrate on a driving lesson. You know it's your HA in overdrive and the UTI has set your thoughts racing. I'd stay off the booze until your UTI has cleared up?

You are totally right. I am staying off the booze. It still burns after I wee but only in the evenings? I have pain in my gallbladder area this morning but it kinda just feels like trapped wind! However, when I press on the area it feels sore.