View Full Version : 2 Weeks of One Sided Eye Pain and Headaches

18-12-17, 21:21
I've been struggling for two weeks now with all-day-long headaches, and it's driving me crazy.

It started with just eye pain and no headaches. I woke up one morning with a sore left eye (in the back, orbital area), and noticed that when I pressed on it, the pain got worse. I also noticed that when I looked up or down, it would hurt in the eye.

This pain eventually developed into a headache that lasts all day long (throbbing mostly), and goes away only when I lay down / go to sleep. It comes back about 15 min after I wake up.

The pain in the eye has slightly subsided and it doesn't hurt when I press on it now, but the headaches and general pain behind my eye remains.

My left temple is sore to the touch, and I can sense a lot of tension in my left jaw joint, as well as in my upper back and neck. When I squeeze my left upper trapezius muscle (I think where the occipital nerve is), it causes pain in my head and behind my left eye that is very similar to what I am constantly feeling.

I took this weekend to take Naproxen 500mg twice daily, muscle relaxer, and anti-anxiety med to try and relax a bit and was hoping the headache would be gone by today, but it's not. These meds do help when I take them though, the pain subsides a bit.

I'm afraid there's some kind of tumor behind my eye causing this pain. I have a history of long-term headaches when I get very stressed though, and had a brain MRI exactly 3 years ago that did not show anything. I'm just worried now because this eye pain is very new to me.

One more thing worth noting, this all happened 3 days after a very stressful situation at work. I even said to myself before the headaches / pain started "this has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life".

Some medical issues I've had in the past that I guess could be contributing:

TMJ Disorder
Back muscle spasms
Sinus Polyps

I'm seeing my GP tomorrow, but would really like to hear if anyone else has experienced this, and how long it took to go away.

Some things I've found in my research that involve the eye, and my symptoms resemble:
Occipital Neuralgia

27-12-17, 02:18
Bump.. Has anyone experienced anything like this? GP put me on antibiotics for an ear infection (on the same side as headaches), but pain behind eye and headaches have not subsided. I've been stretching, trying to stay away from my computer monitor, and lower stress. None of that seems to be working. Starting to get really worried.

Some mornings I wake up and I'm totally fine until I start the day, then it starts bothering me. Other days, it's annoying when I wake up and gets worse through the day. It subsides quite a bit when I get in bed and just relax.

27-12-17, 09:43
Yes, I am and I have a sinus infection.
Plenty of fluids, moderate exercise, relaxation and sleep.

27-12-17, 14:28
Yes, I am and I have a sinus infection.
Plenty of fluids, moderate exercise, relaxation and sleep.

Thanks for your reply. I’ve had sinus infections, but this doesn’t feel the same, and i’ve never experienced the pain behind just one eye. Are you feeling pain behind one eye every day as well? It hurts to look up and around right behind that eye which makes me think there’s a problem directly behind the eye impacting the muscles that move it

28-12-17, 01:18
Yes, I have the eye pain. Had it for weeks!
I was checked out by a neuro as well.
Take an eye test if it will help put your mind at rest.