View Full Version : GAD from 2010

18-12-17, 23:15

I am in this forum since 2011 but here I come only when I have problems and apologize for it.

Since 2010 I have been diagnosed with GAD and since than almost every year I have 3 4 months of the year with extreme anxiety.
My Doctor describes me most of time Klonopin 3 times a day 0.25mg which lowers the symptoms of my anxiety and after a week we start with antidepressant which wher 4 times Prozac and 1 escitalopram.
I recently noticed that most o f the times my anxiety began in winter months . My tiggres always start in November, December or in January, and last until April or May, Is there anybody here with thise similar problem please?

Only one time in 2011 i had bad anxiety for a month in summer

I am very nervous and tired now even hopeless for permanent healing. This state of affairs is accompanying me every year. At a time when I think it's over and it will not be repeated it's coming suddenly

Thank you

18-12-17, 23:46
I'm not sure which country you're from, but a lot of people suffer from mental health disorders during the winter months because of the lack of sunlight, could that apply to you?

I wonder if it's worth asking your Doctor to check for vitamin D deficiency, rather than just handing out anti depressants all the time.

19-12-17, 02:18
hi, ankietyjoe

thank you for your replay. I live in north Albania and here night start at 16:00 and winter are too cold. I love winter but since 7-8 years this condiction start to hate it :S

---------- Post added at 03:18 ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 ----------

Do you think that vitamin D deficiency can cause anxiety and depression?

19-12-17, 09:30
There's a strong link between VitD deficiency and depression, and a strong link between depression and anxiety. I think it's worth at least investigating this with or without your Doctor as your symptoms seem to be linked to the winter months.

19-12-17, 12:47
I just made blood analysis for Vitamin D Vitamin B12 and Iron i am waiting for resultes. Thank you for your suggesions.

19-12-17, 20:10
Hi ankietyjoe,

I just came from laboratory and results of my Vitamin D are terrible.

The results are 8 ng/ml and normal should be from 20-70 ng/ml

19-12-17, 20:34
Hopefully that can be resolved and the problem can be treated without anti depressants.

Good luck :yesyes:

19-12-17, 22:15
Hi ankietyjoe,

A just spoke with my psychiatrist and i show him results and hi told me that I should definitely handle vitamin D to ritake it. But hi said that hi don't think that vitamin D is the cause of my psycho situation :(

20-12-17, 07:09
Hi ankietyjoe,

A just spoke with my psychiatrist and i show him results and hi told me that I should definitely handle vitamin D to ritake it. But hi said that hi don't think that vitamin D is the cause of my psycho situation :(

It may not be the direct cause but it’s certainly not helping you. I bet you’ll feel a lot better once you start taking vitamin D suppliments. Certainly a very good start on beating this thing.

20-12-17, 12:16
It may not be the direct cause but it’s certainly not helping you. I bet you’ll feel a lot better once you start taking vitamin D suppliments. Certainly a very good start on beating this thing.


VitD deficiency definitely causes depression in lots of people, and depression and anxiety are totally connected with each other. One feeds from the other.

One of the issues with the medical profession, is that they only work within the realms of their own training, and more often than not that doesn't include the causal effects of vitamin deficiencies. The RDA for most vitamins is based on guidelines to prevent average groups from getting ill, not treating those that already are.

21-12-17, 21:43
It may not be the direct cause but it’s certainly not helping you. I bet you’ll feel a lot better once you start taking vitamin D suppliments. Certainly a very good start on beating this thing.

You are thinking that it's not direct couse of my anxiety and deppression but if Vitamin D would be in normal range it didn't come to anxiety and deppression?

22-12-17, 07:43
You are thinking that it's not direct couse of my anxiety and deppression but if Vitamin D would be in normal range it didn't come to anxiety and deppression?

What I am saying is, taking vitamin D suppliments can only help you and the test have said you need them. So go for it! :yesyes: