View Full Version : Lump on throat area

19-12-17, 01:05
Has anyone ever found a lump on their throat area?? I had a coughing fit on Thursday and during it.. How do I explain this?? Ummm the area felt strange??? I touched it to see why and felt a lump. It's pretty big... it's sort of the middle of my throat kind of off centered to the right a tad.. It's not painful but it's uncomfortable like I can feel it somewhat when I swallow or turn my head or cough. I don't know if it's because I am now hyper sensitive since I know now that it's there.

I had a cat scan without contrast early August of my neck to check up on a tiny tumor in my left Paratiod gland that I was diagnosed with in 2012. The scan came back clean. It must have been a stone in there as tumors don't just disappear. I remember the scan noted some lymph nodes but said they had benign appearance I believe. I am wondering if something sinister would manifes in such a short few months. I have an appointment with my ent 2marro morning at 945 but I am still uneasy and even nervous to be going. I always get anxious and afraid to go to Dr about things like this for fear of what they will say....

Anyone else have something similar?