View Full Version : Lump on neck/throat

19-12-17, 02:17
Has anyone ever found a lump on their throat area?? I had a coughing fit on Thursday and during it.. How do I explain this?? Ummm the area felt strange??? I touched it to see why and felt a lump. It's pretty big... it's sort of the middle of my throat kind of off centered to the right a tad.. It's not painful but it's uncomfortable like I can feel it somewhat when I swallow or turn my head or cough. I don't know if it's because I am now hyper sensitive since I know now that it's there.

I had a cat scan without contrast early August of my neck to check up on a tiny tumor in my left Paratiod gland that I was diagnosed with in 2012. The scan came back clean. It must have been a stone in there as tumors don't just disappear. I remember the scan noted some lymph nodes but said they had benign appearance I believe. I am wondering if something sinister would manifes in such a short few months. I have an appointment with my ent 2marro morning at 945 but I am still uneasy and even nervous to be going. I always get anxious and afraid to go to Dr about things like this for fear of what they will say....

Anyone else have something similar?

19-12-17, 14:21
About a month ago, I was scratching my neck and found this softish feeling lump exactly where you said yours is. Its off to the right of my middle throat (where adams apple is at). I can't find the same thing on the other side but I feel similar things. I never had it checked out but I have several friends who said they have the same thing.

19-12-17, 16:28
About a month ago, I was scratching my neck and found this softish feeling lump exactly where you said yours is. Its off to the right of my middle throat (where adams apple is at). I can't find the same thing on the other side but I feel similar things. I never had it checked out but I have several friends who said they have the same thing.

Thank you for sharing... I feel a tad better knowing I'm not alone... I had an appt for 945 am this morning but I was 15 mins late and so they made me reschedule for Friday at 9am...

19-12-17, 16:47
Thank you for sharing... I feel a tad better knowing I'm not alone... I had an appt for 945 am this morning but I was 15 mins late and so they made me reschedule for Friday at 9am...

Keep me posted on what they say. Now I'm curious. What does yours feel like? Mine feels like a soft/rubbery tic tac candy sorta.

19-12-17, 16:55
I have the same thing. I scratched my throat a few months back and felt a little lump just left of centre a little way above the thyroid.

Kind of feels like a tictac, yep, and a little rubbery and can be moved around a bit.

My doctor said it was a shotty node, if anything. It doesn't seem to have got bigger. Sometimes the area feels a little tender.

19-12-17, 18:30
I have the same thing. I scratched my throat a few months back and felt a little lump just left of centre a little way above the thyroid.

Kind of feels like a tictac, yep, and a little rubbery and can be moved around a bit.

My doctor said it was a shotty node, if anything. It doesn't seem to have got bigger. Sometimes the area feels a little tender.

Sounds like what I have too. I don't think mine moves though. Not sure. I'm not about to mess with it to find out, lol! I don't think its a node because nodes are more in your jaw line and on the sides of your neck. I was thinking just some cartilage or something.

19-12-17, 18:59
Hmmm mine isn't like a tic tac it's biggggg and it's not soft it's pretty hard. I felt both my husband and daughter's neck to see if it was normal but they don't have it... I would think if something was there and grew to the size it is now, it would have been seen with the ct scan i had start of August but who knows. Cat scan in 2012 told me I had a 9mm contrast enhancing tumor of the left Paratiod gland but the cat scan I had in August of my neck to check on it came back clear.... I am really nervous, I can feel it there without touching it with my hand like if I cough or turn my neck or sometimes when I swallow but I am unsure if that's only because I am aware it's there and it's making me nervous so my brain is focused on it now... very frustrating.
I hate that my appt had to be ready for Friday... They had one of the lanes on the road blocked off so the traffic was crazy. Hopefully when I see the ENT Dr on friday he will know what it is and hopefully it's nothing. I pray it's nothing anyway.... I have been going through much health wise the last few months and the stress and worry is at times just to much.

19-12-17, 19:38
Ah sorry Careful, yes, sounds like mine and Leslie's are smaller than yours then. Most often these things are nothing, I understand. I know that cysts aren't uncommon in that area of the neck so perhaps it's that.

Good thing you're seeing the ENT soon and I hope he gives you the all clear. Sorry you've gone through so much lately.

We will be thinking about you.

19-12-17, 19:50
Ah sorry Careful, yes, sounds like mine and Leslie's are smaller than yours then. Most often these things are nothing, I understand. I know that cysts aren't uncommon in that area of the neck so perhaps it's that.

Good thing you're seeing the ENT soon and I hope he gives you the all clear. Sorry you've gone through so much latel

We will be thinking about you.

Thank you for your kind words :) I will let you guys know what the Dr says on Friday for sure.

19-12-17, 22:06
I won't say mine is soft it's more rubbery I guess. Praying all goes well, let us know!

22-12-17, 01:34
My appointment is 2marro morning at 9am. I'm glad and at the same time nervous... don't you hate that?

22-12-17, 15:01
Could be a lot of things, or it could be nothing at all, but if its causing pain it could just be a swollen gland maybe from whatever is causing the coughing. if it sticks around go see the doc he will know what to do from there.

22-12-17, 15:44
No there is no pain.... I had a coughing fit when I drank some water and it went down the wrong pipe....

Saw my ENT this morning... He said he isn't sure what the lump is but he doesn't think it's bad.. Its not a lymph node as there arent any in that area... I go back for ultra sound on Wednesday of next week... Maybe it's a cyst...