View Full Version : My jaw is locked

19-12-17, 08:02
Exactly one week has passed since I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, plus one molar that was being destroyed by my wisdom tooth coming in. I have been having a horrible time with recovery in general, but most of the pain in my teeth and gums has gone away now. My face is still a bit swollen looking and the muscles around my jaw are very stiff. I cannot open my jaw wider than about a centimeter, and haven't been able to since the morning after the surgery. If I try to force my mouth open, it just does not happen. I have tried so hard and just ended up with a horrible headache. I thought this was probably normal but my grandmother used to be a dental assistant and she got really worried when I told her this was still going on over a week after the surgery. I'm going to call my surgeon in the morning and maybe go to the emergency room tomorrow but I am so scared. I made the mistake of looking to Google for the answers and found loads of people saying "GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW THIS HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I GOT MY WISDOM TEETH REMOVED AND I ALMOST DIED". Is this normal?? What is going?? It is so scary not being able to open my jaw at all.

19-12-17, 21:42
Hey. Don't panic as that will make you worse. But, I would take a trip to the ER or like an urgent care centre purely as they may be able to offer you some pain relief. I can't see how you could die from this though lol x