View Full Version : Anxiety or Aphasia?

19-12-17, 11:48
I'm 30, and I have been getting some rather interesting, crazy, and very scary symptoms lately, along with my anxiety being at a all time high. Not sure if it is because of my anxiety, or something else more sinister on going on, like aphasia.

Sorry in advance, I know this is long, and a little all over the place, but I am just trying to fully explain what I am experiencing.

I have been very forgetful and feel slow, and it is mostly effecting my reading, writing, and speech.

I am forgetting how to spell words, read numbers, construct sentences. I have difficulty typing, I make so many bad typos lately, and ones with with letters from the other side of the keyboard. For example I may use a 'L' instead of a 'S', and forget to add letters and words altogether in a sentence.

I have been spelling words how they sound. For example, I may write 'Watar' instead of 'water', or 'busy' instead of 'busy', and I am struggling to tell the difference between words that sound the similar but are spelt differently. 'On' and 'One'.

I am having difficulty remembering words, and sometimes use completely different words altogether .

When I am thinking to myself, the many words in my head seem slurred, they come out slurred, and I sometimes spell them as though they are slurred.

I am having difficulty recognising and pronouncing some words, both in my head and verbally.

Reading anything is difficult lately. I have to go over many sentences, because the sentences just get jumbled. For example, something I read may say "I for a went for a walk to the house on the hill." but I instead read "Went for walk to the hill house on the hill." I may read the number '1998' as '8998'. Putting one of the last numbers or words in of near the beginning.

My mind seems jumbled. I get the most random of thoughts, words, and sentences come to mind for no reason, things that make zero sense, and have zero relevance to anything I am doing. I am regularly forgetting thoughts I just seconds ago had.

It has taken me almost an hour to write this post, that is how difficult things are getting for me.

Does anyone have these types of problems with anxiety? HELP!

19-12-17, 12:07

The issues with writing or reading you describe sound like dyslexia to me. If you never had those problems before it would be weird to develop it now. Have you been to the doctor yet? What did they say?

As for making typo's and having issues reading I do recognise it from my own experience with anxiety. When under stress I have difficulties focusing on text, and hence difficulties reading. My mind gallops and I skip sentences or whole parts of text.

Same applies to writing I would skip a letter in a word or place it in the wrong order if I have to write something when anxious, but then again I had issues with writing already since childhood.

As for the feeling of your internal speach being slurred I recognise it too. What worked for me is ignoring it, because the more attention I paid to it the more it happened.

So I defonately think that some of ypur symptoms are anxiety related, and I would recommend you go to a doctor and talk about it. A good doctor will help you establish the cause, and look for a way to treat it.

Good luck!

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19-12-17, 12:32

The issues with writing or reading you describe sound like dyslexia to me. If you never had those problems before it would be weird to develop it now. Have you been to the doctor yet? What did they say?

As for making typo's and having issues reading I do recognise it from my own experience with anxiety. When under stress I have difficulties focusing on text, and hence difficulties reading. My mind gallops and I skip sentences or whole parts of text.

Same applies to writing I would skip a letter in a word or place it in the wrong order if I have to write something when anxious, but then again I had issues with writing already since childhood.

As for the feeling of your internal speach being slurred I recognise it too. What worked for me is ignoring it, because the more attention I paid to it the more it happened.

So I defonately think that some of ypur symptoms are anxiety related, and I would recommend you go to a doctor and talk about it. A good doctor will help you establish the cause, and look for a way to treat it.

Good luck!

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Thanks for your reply. I haven't been to the doctor, and don't particularly want to go, as I know they will shrug it off. GP's are completely useless in my area, and have never helped with anything. Migraines, a year long bladder infections, cysts, lung issues, skin issues, and depression. No further action taken after me asking for help, and have had to seek home remedies to help many issues.

I have never had dyslexia, and never really had any of these problems before recently. I would make the occasional mistake, but never anything like this. I have already corrected 15 mistakes writing this short reply.

I really hope you are right, and this is my anxiety playing up.

19-12-17, 12:48
I understand your frustration with doctors... It took me years to find a good doctor, and I stick with her even though I moved, and need to drive 25 mins to the other side of the town to see her.

That being said, please do not give up on doctors in general! Anxiety aside, when you are not feeling well you need someone who can verify how serious/real your concerns are.
Please make an appointment with a new GP. Write down all your concerns, and all the questions you have and see what solutions or test they will offer you. It is very likely that they will begin with treating anxiety, and if your symptoms persist, look further for their cause.
I hope you'll get well soon!

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20-12-17, 03:09
Hi, I have actually been experiencing extremely similar symptoms lately. I had a REALLY rough patch with my anxiety the past few months because I had severe health anxiety spikes about fear of having a serious neuro-degenerative disease or a serious mental illness. (I know those are pretty weird health anxiety fears :/) But I recently have been noticing similar things like you mentioned in your post. I also have been mixing up numbers and words, and I've never done that before (at least not as much as I am doing it now). I also feel like there's too much going on in my head and I think too much about speaking that whenever I try to speak it just doesn't come out the way I want it. :( I also experience the same thing you mentioned about the random thoughts and phrases and words popping into your head, and it is incredibly frustrating. It really only happens when it's quiet and I'm not focused, or there isn't some type of background noise or stimulation, but it is absolutely one of my most bizarre symptoms! I also have been having difficulty remembering names and words which is really annoying and disheartening. :( I'm only 21, so I feel your pain! I'm currently working on figuring this issue out myself too.
Hope you will be better soon! :)

21-06-20, 23:04
I have been having this issue lately. Did anyone ever figure out what this was or did it improve? I know this is an old thread, I am really hoping you guys are still around!