View Full Version : breathing troubles!! please help im freaked out!

25-06-07, 00:20
Hello all

i know its hard sometimes to respond to everything people put up here cuz every one is just going nuts trying to find answers.... but i dunno what it is but whenever i am sitting or driving my body is sensitive to motion and i cant breathe well. then my heart rate goes up... like now even i cant breathe well. its not major like something horrible is going on but its very uncomfortable and sometimes i just wish i couyld be a normal person and not worry about my body so much and stop freaking out about if something is wrong with me. i go to the doctors tomorrow after work. and i hope there is nothing wrong.

but mainly.... if its not one thing then its another... i cant breathe well and it causes my heart rate to rise.

any one know what it is? please? anything?

25-06-07, 00:29
Hi btown

Your ok babe, sound to me your over breathing!!! i do it all the time, its my main prob with anxiety, when i get bad, i do 7-11 breathing, breath through your nose for count of 7 then out of month for 11, that will slow every thing down, heart stop thumping, its panic babe, dont let it freak u, fight back, and your win, we all ways do, have you noticed it alway go's in the end because it no's it can't win!!!!
Stay strong
when it attacks tell it be bugger off, its not wanted!!!

25-06-07, 00:45
Hello Btown,

I totally empathise with how scared you are feeling right now but you are having a panic attack and they can't physically harm you, even though it really feels like they can.

The thing about panic attacks is that you become very 'body aware' i.e. every normal function in your body seems magnified and you are acutely aware of how your limbs, breathing, eyes, mouth, everything feels. It is also called being over sensitised which just means we become over sensitive to natural body workings that other people don't even notice.
It is horrid and terrifying but try and remember it is only your body and your mind playing tricks on you. I have had two decades of this and I am still alive and in good health.

If you can, lay down somewhere quite and darkened and listen to a relaxation tape or some music that is calming and that you like.

Giving you a big hug at this time B,

Eibhlin :hugs:

25-06-07, 00:48
thank you tons.... i feel a little better. ya see now i can breathe a little better.. and i know this is very cliche... but i dont get it!how was i panicking? i was totally just relaxing sitting here watchging tv! earlier when i was driving it came on and i just get real un easy and then cant breathe well.... when this happens and my heart rate goes up can it cause a heart attack? or if not now... does it put a strain on my heart through out the years and then eventually it will wear my heart down when im 30 or 40 and ill croak? gosh i hope not. i am sooo scared to die. im even christian and i am scared. really sad. but yea. i hate it. why does it just happen out of no where? i notice it happens after i eat food as well. do u know what that may be?

thging is..... (just so u know my condition) i am 24 years old, i recently started eating right again really well... no fast food. home made food no soda no caffeine and i do MMA(mixed martial arts) which is a vigorous exercise. my wife says that it could be from training MMA that i am having troubles breathing cuz my body isnt used to that hard of a workout. is this true? it sucks. i know i just got answers and all but i had more stuff i needed to get off my chest.... help !! again!!

25-06-07, 00:49
thank you. god bless your heart<3

25-06-07, 01:15
Mine Alway Comes Out When I Am Getting Over Crap Day, Crap I No But I Think It Our Way Of Calming Right Down, Bit Unfair Really, But Hay That Life, So Enjoy It Babe, Get All These Rotten Thoughts Out Of Your Head, Go And See Doc To Have Good Check Up, Then Your Feel Better In Yourself
And No One Wents To Die Babe, But It Comes To Us All, So Dont Make Your Life Miserable Worrying About It.
As For Starting Mma, Could Be Making You Over Breath, Because Not Use To It, But Keep It Up Because Exercise Is The Best Thing For Anxiety, Which In Turn Stops Panic


25-06-07, 11:13

Take a look at this also hun, some good advice from the how to cope section of the forum.

Abdominal Breathing

One of the most important things that will help you during a Panic Attack is to control your breathing. Although it is the last thing on your mind, and very hard to control, it is very important as it will calm you down. Panic Attack sufferers will almost inevitably suffer from hyperventilation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms#Hyperventilation) and must learn abdominal breathing.
Slow, abdominal breathing alone has been shown to abort panic attacks and prevent them. But for a person with panic disorder, learning slow abdominal breathing can be quite difficult. People with panic disorder are almost always chest breathers. The worst thing you can tell a person during a panic attack is to breathe deeply. It takes a lot of practice to breathe with the diaphragm without a great deal of training, but if you can learn to breathe slowly with your diaphragm, you will not panic!
You must practice abdominal breathing so that when you have a Panic Attack you can put it into action.
Here are some tips on learning diaphragmatic breathing. Start while lying on your back. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly (between navel and ribs). Focus on allowing the belly to rise easily when inhaling and fall when exhaling. HOLD THE CHEST STILL with your hand on your chest. The objective is to breathe all the time with the belly (diaphragm) and not the chest. You are aiming at about 6 breaths per minute. This is a slow relaxed process. There should be no sense of effort.
If the belly won't move and the chest continues to move, put a weight on the belly between the navel and ribs (where the hand was). A heavy book will do, but something that is not painful and weighs 3 - 5 pounds is best. Focus on allowing the weight to rise on inhale and sink on exhale. Again - no effort!
If still no success, kneel on all fours, i.e., assume a position of a four-legged animal. In this position, the chest tends to be locked in place, forcing the diaphragm to take over the breathing task. Slow and easy, no effort. Once you learn to breathe with your belly, you must practice, practice, practice.
The first week, you should practice for only a few breaths at a time while lying on your back. Then gradually extend the practice time to 15 minutes. When this can be done comfortably, you should start to practice while sitting. Then standing. Then walking.
After you can breathe with the belly in all positions, you should practice in different situations. Start with easy situations like sitting in a car. Then sitting in a restaurant. Progress until you can breathe with the belly in situations that previously felt un-natural and uncomfortable.
IMPORTANT: If at any time during the breathing training, you feel dizzy or light-headed, then stop the exercise, rest, and try again in a few minutes. The breathing training is not about being tough or facing your fear. It is about learning to breathe to normalize the bodily functions.
You may find it helpful to have someone doing this breathing exercise with you as they 'take control' and get you to breathe on their command.
Ok, so these techniques may not be very sophisticated but they work and may help you:


25-06-07, 12:26
thank you tons.... i feel a little better. ya see now i can breathe a little better.. and i know this is very cliche... but i dont get it!how was i panicking? i was totally just relaxing sitting here watchging tv! earlier when i was driving it came on and i just get real un easy and then cant breathe well.... when this happens and my heart rate goes up can it cause a heart attack? or if not now... does it put a strain on my heart through out the years and then eventually it will wear my heart down when im 30 or 40 and ill croak? gosh i hope not. i am sooo scared to die. im even christian and i am scared. really sad. but yea. i hate it. why does it just happen out of no where? i notice it happens after i eat food as well. do u know what that may be?

thging is..... (just so u know my condition) i am 24 years old, i recently started eating right again really well... no fast food. home made food no soda no caffeine and i do MMA(mixed martial arts) which is a vigorous exercise. my wife says that it could be from training MMA that i am having troubles breathing cuz my body isnt used to that hard of a workout. is this true? it sucks. i know i just got answers and all but i had more stuff i needed to get off my chest.... help !! again!!

It won't put a strain on your heart. I try to think of those people who do manual labour for a living, their heart rates are usually quite high for much of the day and these people are fit. Anxiety attacks feel awful but all the information I have read says that they are medically harmless.

Vigourous exercise and a good diet can only be good for you. My advice is to see a doctor - not because I think there is anything wrong with you but because they can reassure you that you are perfectly healthy and that anxiety is the cause.