View Full Version : Is it a Panic attack or TIA???

19-12-17, 16:53
Hey guys! I have been under severe stress all of my life. Victim of childhood torture by my own parents. Its a long story. I had a panic attack a few years ago. This year, in february, i headed a football and felt a bit dazed. The next day, i was sitting on my bed when suddenly my heart went all crazy, one side of my head went cold and on the same side of the body my foot went numb. The numbness in foot felt increasing till it felt it would explode. This wss accompanied with shallow breathing, severe stress and feeling like I would die. From then on, till today, I have haf 15 panic attacks. Twitching and which has reduced after I have started to fight it. I was confused if it was the football or stress that caused it?? And if that initial attack was a TIA or panoc attack??? The attack was onpy 5-7 seconds and a rocky road from then on. I am 16 and athletic. Need help and answers....

21-12-17, 08:26
This most deff sounds like panic attacks...