View Full Version : Regular rushes of adrenaline

19-12-17, 19:20
I'm generally on top of my anxiety at the moment, but have recently started having this new symptom which is really getting to me. I had a bit of a panic a few days ago and since then I keep getting these rushes of adrenaline in my chest / head the same as when something makes you jump, like a near miss with a car. They keep happening at random, every few minutes. I'm getting better at not panicking about any anxiety symptoms, but this is really hard to ignore. I don't feel particularly anxious at the moment so it is annoying that these symptoms won't go away. The panic symptoms are supposed to go away if you try not to fight it and don't get worked up worrying about it. I am doing my best to do that, but it's still sticking around. Not sure what I can do apart from put up with it.

Has anyone else had this problem?

19-12-17, 20:33
I had/have this particular problem after I got on top of actual panic attacks too.

The best thing I've found to do is just try and walk it off a bit (give your body something to do with the adrenaline) and just try and relax long term (meditation helps a lot here).

It might sound odd, but I think the physical body remembers anxiety, even though your mind has got to grips with it. It takes a long time for the body to stop reacting in an anxious way.

Ash J
19-12-17, 20:58
Hey there, these are a daily occurrence for me too. Found they Also started to happen once I got on top of the panic attacks. They are horrible and hard to ignore which just feeds the anxiety.

19-12-17, 21:36
Horrible arent they - I get these now when Im really tired x