View Full Version : Something just doesn't feel right.

19-12-17, 21:05
Please guys i need help.. I don't feel ok.

I don't even know what to type but something just feels off. I feel like i don't really like being alive anymore if that makes sense. Not that i would end my life, i wouldn't, but i'd rather just sleep all day. All i want is just be at my home, eat, watch youtube and play games. That's the only way i feel okay.

I really notice that when i'm with other people i'm not being myself and not feeling like myself at all. I feel like i'm floating, cloudy.. just don't feel right at all. I feel depressed and anxious. I've been to a few psychologists and they all point to anxiety... I've been on antidepressants and it didn't help, felt better off them...

I'm overwhelmed. What's the point of me being alive if i can't feel good?? I'm just trying to make it trough every day Weird thing is i have everything going for me. I'm young (28), my own appartement, healthy, i'm good looking or at least that's what people tell me, a good study, great family etc. But i feel like hell. My mind is SO tired

I have a trip coming up in 2 weeks to a different country to visit my parents with my brother and sister. I want to see them but the thought makes me feel sick. I just KNOW i'll have a panic attack at the airport. There's so many things that can happen. So many possibilities to feel anxious. I can't say i can't come because i'll dissapoint them. I just want to stay at home safe in my bed that's the only way i can survive it seems.

I feel like i'll have a breakdown if i continue like this

20-12-17, 16:51
Please guys i need help.. I don't feel ok.

I don't even know what to type but something just feels off. I feel like i don't really like being alive anymore if that makes sense. Not that i would end my life, i wouldn't, but i'd rather just sleep all day. All i want is just be at my home, eat, watch youtube and play games. That's the only way i feel okay.

I really notice that when i'm with other people i'm not being myself and not feeling like myself at all. I feel like i'm floating, cloudy.. just don't feel right at all. I feel depressed and anxious. I've been to a few psychologists and they all point to anxiety... I've been on antidepressants and it didn't help, felt better off them...

I'm overwhelmed. What's the point of me being alive if i can't feel good?? I'm just trying to make it trough every day Weird thing is i have everything going for me. I'm young (28), my own appartement, healthy, i'm good looking or at least that's what people tell me, a good study, great family etc. But i feel like hell. My mind is SO tired

I have a trip coming up in 2 weeks to a different country to visit my parents with my brother and sister. I want to see them but the thought makes me feel sick. I just KNOW i'll have a panic attack at the airport. There's so many things that can happen. So many possibilities to feel anxious. I can't say i can't come because i'll dissapoint them. I just want to stay at home safe in my bed that's the only way i can survive it seems.

I feel like i'll have a breakdown if i continue like this

Have you seen a therapist?if not i think it would be a good idea to

20-12-17, 17:47
Yes i have a few times, they all say it's 'just' anxiety, during the terapy i do feel better but then once it's finished and i'm on my own again it starts to get worse again