View Full Version : An update - GAD

19-12-17, 21:30
Hi all,

I just wanted to give an update and say hello after a self-imposed exile on here since August. I was having a bad time with anxiety and waiting for therapy, getting a bit argumentative, and found it difficult on here - sorry if I was too snippy at anyone at the time.

I've been having CBT since early September, and have found it a great help. I'm not cured, and still have some sessions to go, but it's given me a better outlook. Sadly some family illness has set my progress back a bit with the HA but I'm still in a far better place than I was back in August. I also have a name for my thing - GAD. I've realised that Health Anxiety is simply one part of a wider pile of anxieties, some of which I never thought of as such, and I've had for a very long time. It's been very helpful to realise this, and allowed me to stop being so hard on myself.

I'm not going to post to my previous levels on here, but pop in from time to time. I won't be spending much time at all in the HA forum, as I've come to believe it's not a healthy place to be around when you're not recovered yourself. You learn new fears, it dings into you an unhealthy way of thinking, and the long-term posters who seem lost causes can help erode your hope you can get better.

But you can, and I will. :)

Hope everyone else is OK and keeping it together.

19-12-17, 21:53
Hey Welcome back Axolotl :) Yeah know what you mean regarding waiting for therapy I have only just started mine and found through talking to them that in fact they don't think I need CBT Even though I have OCD ?? So fully understand your anger mate. Glad you are in a better frame of mind too and understand what you mean about HA and all the posts that can hamper your own recovery Any ways look after your self mate tc ATB :)

20-12-17, 08:18
I'm glad you are making good progress, axolotl. I agree that the HA forum is not a helpful board at all when you are vulnerable and trying to stay stable as best you can. Stick to areas on here where you will get positive advice and encouragement as you continue with your CBT?

20-12-17, 12:52
Glad to hear of your progress! healing is a journey whether it's physical or mental. All we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other. Congrats for doing so :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

20-12-17, 21:52
Thanks all.

Bigboy, Pulisa, Fishman - hope everything is Ok for you all at the moment.

20-12-17, 22:11
Well been through a very rough patch that lasted a good while but slowly getting back to normal (what ever that is lol) thx for asking Axolotl :)ATB