View Full Version : Scared I got mushroom poisoning.

20-12-17, 02:40
I ate some mushroom soup from a chinese takeout place, it tasted a bit odd but maybe I'd just never eaten it before. What are the chances I got poisoned by the mushrooms?

20-12-17, 05:23
They will be edible mushrooms so by poisoning the most you could experience is surely some form of food poisoning. But they would have prepared them in line with food standards and health & safety regs in running a food business.

It's seems very unlikely. First thing you could ask yourself is whether it was a reputable looking establishment or a dodgy looking one.

20-12-17, 06:10
The mushrooms they use are not likely to cause mushroom poisonings... That mostly happens when people eat wild mushrooms and if you had it, you would know as it makes you pretty ill.

I wouldn't worry about this at all.

20-12-17, 18:55
I’m just worried if the mushrooms they used could mistakenly be the poisonous type?

20-12-17, 19:14
I’m just worried if the mushrooms they used could mistakenly be the poisonous type?

So, being that the FDA has to approve the foods that restaurants purchase, you're still afraid that the restaurant purchased poison mushrooms from a food supplier? Is that about right? :huh:

And you're posting this a full day after you ate them correct?

Positive thoughts

20-12-17, 20:29
I’m just worried if the mushrooms they used could mistakenly be the poisonous type?


20-12-17, 21:25
I just wanted you to know that I suffer the same fears. I won't even eat mushrooms. I saw a family on the news probably about 25 years ago that picked some mushrooms and made spaghetti. They all died. I am terrified of someone picking the wrong mushroom now. I am also terrified of botulism and unknowingly being allergic to something.

20-12-17, 21:50
The overwhelming likelihood (near certainty) is they will be cultured mushrooms not anything gathered in the wild, so the chance of poisoning is as good as zero.

Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

20-12-17, 21:58
I just wanted you to know that I suffer the same fears. I won't even eat mushrooms. I saw a family on the news probably about 25 years ago that picked some mushrooms and made spaghetti. They all died. I am terrified of someone picking the wrong mushroom now. I am also terrified of botulism and unknowingly being allergic to something.

They raise edible mushrooms on farms :whistles:

Positive thoughts

21-12-17, 01:02
I know that fishmanpa, but that is how my sickness works. I know they are grown in a regulated environment but I have that annoying voice in my head that says " maybe a random mushroom spore flew in and grew amongst the others. Oh how I wish I was normal.

21-12-17, 02:24
I know that fishmanpa, but that is how my sickness works. I know they are grown in a regulated environment but I have that annoying voice in my head that says " maybe a random mushroom spore flew in and grew amongst the others. Oh how I wish I was normal.

Maybe that's the difference in what separates normal from the illness. I get irrational thoughts too. I believe everyone does. The difference is how you process it. I have my own demons. Again, everyone does, but they don't control my life.

For example... I've had a really, really rough week physically. In fact I still am. Let's see... right wrist is screaming, Left index finger hurting too. Both due to arthritis. Neuropathy in my feet really bad the last few weeks. Lower back pain and the backside of my knees have been killing me the last few days. Hurt like hell to walk and when I lay down in bed I need to put a pillow under them because it's agony to lay them flat. I have no idea why. Neck spasms (side effect from surgery) really bad this week and ohhh and my favorite subject... Poo, or the lack of it and bleeding when I do go. Fun eh? :wacko:

At it's worse, I had a few passing thoughts that something serious was wrong BUT.... it was a passing thought. Pain meds take care of it and I've been avoiding them because they stop me up. Logically, had I been taking the meds, I would have fared better and the fact that things eased off and I'm feeling better than I was 5 days ago logically means it was nothing serious. For whatever reason, I just don't get caught in "What If?" mode on replay. That's the difference. I can look at facts and reality objectively and move on. I don't doubt a sufferer does too but the dragon digs in and keeps hitting the replay button until you believe it. In many ways the dragon is like a politician. He'll tell you something over and over, even though it's total BS (like that random nearly microscopic poisonous mushroom spore blowing in the wind from the poison mushroom forest and making it into a commercial growers crop and then to your dining table ;) ), until you believe it.

Positive thoughts

21-12-17, 05:33
I just wanted you to know that I suffer the same fears. I won't even eat mushrooms. I saw a family on the news probably about 25 years ago that picked some mushrooms and made spaghetti. They all died. I am terrified of someone picking the wrong mushroom now. I am also terrified of botulism and unknowingly being allergic to something.

That's the danger in picking mushrooms when you don't understand the different varieties. Many are safe to eat, some are used to get off your face ("magic mushrooms") and some are deadly. It's like not knowing your snakes and picking up a random one in the wild.

---------- Post added at 05:33 ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 ----------

I’m just worried if the mushrooms they used could mistakenly be the poisonous type?

Chances are that they just buy their stock from someone else whether a wholesaler or local business. If that seller was picking deadly mushroom varieties they would end up in jail once the cases emerged and your food safety people rushed to investigate.

Food safety standards are strict for good reason. In a business that needs to determine what is a deadly variety vs what is safe, standards will be even more strict. And then there is quality control at that business to pick up mistakes. Then even the takeaway may spot one that doesn't look right since they are trained & experienced chefs.

How many cases have you heard of I'm the media? Now think how many food outlets sell mushrooms and that includes all the supermarkets, corner shops, greengrocers, etc.