View Full Version : No appetite,stomach pains,extreme thirst

20-12-17, 07:41
Hi there this is my first post on here but I’m always reading everyone’s messages to try and calm myself.
About 11 days ago I had one episode of vomiting which was just a small amount,the next 4 days after this I was really nauseous and felt like fatiguing around food so I couldn’t eat, on the 5th day I had bad diarrhoea, throughout all this and even now 11 days in total I have extreme thirst,im constantly drinking water but it isn’t helping. Could I have had a stomach bug? Wouldn’t I have had more symptoms? And how can I be dehydrated when I hardly vomited and only had one episode of diarrhoea, also yesterday I had a stomach ache most of the day. I was tested for diabetes and thyroid problems earlier in the year and everything was normal. Does anyone have any ideas? I will add that I have a terrible fear of cancer after losing my nan and step dad within 6 months of each otherThank you

22-12-17, 18:29
Hi there this is my first post on here but I’m always reading everyone’s messages to try and calm myself.
About 11 days ago I had one episode of vomiting which was just a small amount,the next 4 days after this I was really nauseous and felt like fatiguing around food so I couldn’t eat, on the 5th day I had bad diarrhoea, throughout all this and even now 11 days in total I have extreme thirst,im constantly drinking water but it isn’t helping. Could I have had a stomach bug? Wouldn’t I have had more symptoms? And how can I be dehydrated when I hardly vomited and only had one episode of diarrhoea, also yesterday I had a stomach ache most of the day. I was tested for diabetes and thyroid problems earlier in the year and everything was normal. Does anyone have any ideas? I will add that I have a terrible fear of cancer after losing my nan and step dad within 6 months of each otherThank you

Hello! I'll preface this by saying I am not a doctor, but to me you having the stomach flu could be a possibility. Whenever I have the stomach flu, I usually have diarrhea and don't really vomit. You may want to go see your doctor to make sure that it's not something else (I DON'T think it's cancer, I mean some other infection) to be sure if it's lasted awhile. How much water are you drinking? Because vomiting and diarrhea, or just being sick in general, would still make you very dehydrated even if you are constantly drinking water. Maybe try to drink something with electrolytes as well?

And to address your major concern, I DON'T think it's cancer...your symptoms could be many different things, I wouldn't jump to cancer. Feel better!

22-12-17, 22:57
Hi thank you for your lovely reply :) I actually went to see my GP yesterday and all he did was send me for blood tests and kept going on about my kidney function!! Anyway I went for the blood test yesterday and the results came back today as normal no further action needed. So yes I think you’re right and that it might be a lingering stomach bug, I’ve now got a stinking cold which may or may not explain the excessive thirst for the last 2 weeks...I don’t think central heating helps either, maybe it’s makng me dehydrated. Thanks xx