View Full Version : Intense internal aches

Ash J
20-12-17, 11:52
Hi all,

I have been experiencing this horrible sensation on and off the the past couple of months, I can only describe it as a very intense sudden ache in my chest/stomach area which generally only lasts a second or 2. I can be sitting quietly doing nothing and it will just come out of nowhere, it is very uncomfortable and always makes me panic each time it happens as I feel it's a heart spasm. I have mentioned it to the GP but he didn't seem concerned. Im struggling to believe that it's anxiety related as the feeling is just so horrid, I am having CBT, and trying everything I can to reduce my anxiety but I still get these horrible sensations.

Anyone else can relate at all?:weep:

Alisha Fearer
23-12-17, 18:00

I also experience sudden horrible aches in my body! I have had it in my chest and stomach area like you, and also in my shoulders, back, kidneys and ribs. It is very scary because sometimes I think something is wrong but the aches turn out to be harmless. I'm sure you're perfectly fine and it could easily be anxiety related because I am always having scary symptoms that turn out to just be caused by anxiety, like heart palpitations, muscle twitching all over my body (which I'm dealing with right now, it has been going on for days and I'm scared I have MS!)

It causes nausea and vomiting sometimes, so it has a huge effect on the body and it is very common for it to manifest as intense aches, pains and uncomfortable sensations. Anxiety causes hyper stimulation of the nervous system, which in turn causes your nerves to go crazy and can cause muscle discomfort. One thing I've found is that if you keep worrying about a certain sensation/symptom in the body, it makes it far worse and then the symptoms begin escalating. :scared15:

If the doctors don't seen concerned about your aching, then I'd take that as reassurance although I know it is really hard because you feel something is wrong and they're just "missing something". I'm here for you if you want to talk and I hope you start feeling better! :hugs: