View Full Version : Horrible chest sensation

20-12-17, 12:04
Hello, I'm new here. Recently I have been getting these weird sensations in my heart and surrounding areas. I can only explain it as butterflies. It's the same feeling as if someone startles you and you heart races and you get that weird feeling also. But this keeps happening alongside shortness of breath. I'm 22 years old, male and average weight for my height of 6ft1. I do suffer from panic attacks when I go to public places and I worry about my health a lot. So much that 4 weeks go I called emergency services because my heart rate was 140BPM+ a minute recently after drinking alcohol. The specialist who arrived done a EKG and explained nothing is wrong with my heart, no irregularities shown on the readings. He advised me to see my GP for some expert advice on how to cope with anxiety. I must also add this sensation only really happens when I'm trying to sleep and is always nearly accompanied by shortness of breath. It's happening as I am writing this message. Please can anyone give me closure? Is this anxiety related? If so can someone explain why it's happening before bed?

Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated very much.

20-12-17, 17:22
I know the exact feeling you are describing. I get this when I am overtired. I used to get it a couple of years ago all of the time when I first ever had a panic attack, but as my body recovered from the reason I started having the attacks in the first place (basically 6mths of not sleeping due to my son not sleeping), I only have this sensation when I am very tired. I think it is adrenaline. And it is bloody horrible. I get it accompanied with the shortness of breath too, but I know if I decided to go for a quick walk that I would be able to (ie I am not breathless due to any other reason that panic/anxiety). I can only say that this will more than likely be happening as you're tired x

20-12-17, 18:18
I can admit my sleeping is poor right now. Last night I had 3 hours sleep and the night before around 6 hours. I had to convince myself that I am not going to die until I finally nodded off.

It's so reassuring that someone else in the world has reciprocate with how I am feeling and what my body is putting me through. It only happens when I try to sleep. I mean sometimes I will get it when I'm anxious during the day but I've always shrugged it off as being just worrying.

Thank you for your reply.

20-12-17, 21:50
No worries. It really sounds like anxiety and if you convince yourself you will be fine and let the adrenaline go over you without fighting it, you will feel a lot better x