View Full Version : Frightened...

25-06-07, 09:54
I'm so worried....maybe you can help me. Even if not I just had to write something because I'm so scared.

I can't shake this God awful dizziness I've had for the past month and a half. I have been to two GPs about it and they just tell me it's anxiety and that I have to get over the anxiety before the symptoms will go.

However....I thought it was subsiding as last week wasn't so bad, but this morning I woke up from a good sleep, all relaxed and calm, and the dizziness is as bad as it was at its peak! How is that anxiety? How?!

So I'm going back again tomorrow. Do you think I should ask for some tests? I've been reluctant because I know you can't keep having tests 'just in case', but I am genuinely worried that there's something wrong with me.

What should I do? I can't carry on like this. Even if it is anxiety, it's affecting my life, my work, everything.

I'd be so grateful for any help or advice. :sad:

Thank you.


PS. I have been going for CBT for the past month too, so I am trying *really hard* to get a handle on the anxiety.

25-06-07, 10:19

I have a problem called Ménière's disease. It causes flare ups of horrid dizziness, that can last for any amount of time. I do take medication for it called Serc.

If i was you i'd go back to the doctors and just express your concern that it is having a bad effect on your life so you'd like further investigation.


25-06-07, 10:43
Hi Blackstar

Some good advice from Bluebell, if you are worried go see the gp then other problems can be ruled out.

I have to say though i can understand how awful you must be feeling as when i am bad with anxiety i get dizzyness 24/7 and it drives me mad !:ohmy: i too thought it must have been my ears but after taking drugs for mineres disease (which my gp prescribed) the dizzyness still didnt go, i eventually realised it was anxiety causing this:ohmy: . Although i have made some excellent progress with my anxiety i do still have days where i can feel very anxious and dizzy but i try to control it with distraction and breathing techniques.:ohmy:

Im pleased to hear the CBT is going well hun, i hope things improve for you soon.

You could take a look at these links also they may help.



25-06-07, 12:15
That awful gidiness is like when you are on a roundabout and it sudenly stops - your brain feels as if it is still going.
watching TV can be just as bad - some of the car chases where the camera pans swiftly accross the screen, makes me want to throw up. very scary!!
i have been told that the giddiness is anxiety BUT if they know its anxiety how do i stop it??? "just calm down" they say, "and all will be well".
I walk out of their office and want to scream and shout HELP ME! but that would just confirm their opinion of me. "You really are silly to worry so much"
Chin up to all of us, at least we believe each other when we say we are hurting.
I do not have any answers but i do read the links suggested above and they do help (sometimes)
Best wishes

25-06-07, 21:18
oh for goodness sake how can they tell its anxiety.
ask to be referred to an Ear, Nose and Throat dept. Once you get labelled with anxiety you could go to the GP with your arm hanging off and they would say it was Anxiety.

You can buy at the chemist a travel sick pill called Stugeron which can helpwith dizziness

Dont be put off, Gps dont know it all

Love Joy

geordie flower
25-06-07, 21:30
Hiya, I started suffering from bad dizziness back in nov 2006 i felt like i wasdrunk most ov the time wen i hadnt even had a drik! funnily enough tho wen i did have a drink the dizziness went. Doc referred me to ENT specialist who done loads ov tests all came back clear. As well as diziness i started to get anxiety, shaking/tremour, feelings of unreality and being on edge. All classic signs of anxiety im afraid.The dizziness is def the worst tho i can remember crying thinking there was no end to it, but i promise you there is, best advice i can give to you is to try and lead a normal life as poss dont give in to it!Even wen you feel so bad just try to carry on as normal, easier said than done I know take care tracey :) x

25-06-07, 22:12
do you have a low blood pressure reading that may have something to do with it . i get dizzy more now as im on a diet ive just had to have a little more salt . but i hope you feel better soon and good luck with the doctor

02-06-08, 12:57
I have to say I know exactly what you mean. The past couple of weeks I have been feeling really dizzy, and I developed shakiness in my arms and legs. Have had a test for blood sugar and that was normal so now i'm working myself into a state thinking about nerve damage etc etc. Is skaing/tremour normal with anxiety?