View Full Version : Flutters in throat

20-12-17, 12:46
The last couple of weeks I keep getting flutters in my throat especially every time I move it’s scaring me so much, I can last from a couple of seconds to 30 seconds. When I lay on my left side I can feel a strong pulse and sometimes under my left rib. Also sometimes I get burning sensation in my throat. It’s really making my anxiety worse! It sets me off in a panic all the time I keep thinking the worse

21-12-17, 01:31
I used to have this symptom a lot but I haven't had it for a few years now. Nobody ever really understood what it was when I described it but I think it is palpitations. Try not to worry, the more you worry the more you get them. Mine just went away for now so it won't hurt you.


21-12-17, 06:27
It could be palpations... Do you feel this flutter like on your neck/throat area or literally inside your throat? I suffer from palpations both from anxiety and heart arrythmias. I have had the flutter feeling in my neck but not inside my throat. While it's an odd, uncomfortable and sometimes scary feeling, it won't hurt you.
Palpations are scary but most of the time benign. There are some things you can do to try and keep them at bay. Like... getting enough sleep, avoiding stress, not smoking, avoiding caffeine, getting anxiety under control and eating healthy just to name a few. Deff try not to think about them. I find the more you think about and focus on them, the more you feel them...

I don't know about the burning sensation in your throat. Could you possibly be coming down with something? There is a nasty flu bug going around.

Either way, I hope you get to feeling better soon..