View Full Version : Day 3 on Prozac

20-12-17, 13:40
Hi out there from depression land. I live in Seattle and have dealt with anxiety and depression from as far back as I can remember. I had a great childhood, not trauma, but have been plagued with mental illness despite it all. I go through waves of crippling depression and am currently in year 2 of this particular wave. I have tried lots of medications over the years but I have just started on Prozac and am 3 days in. Needless to say, I am awake at 5:30 and have been awake since 3:30. I found this forum and am finding great solace in it. I will be checking in for support and updates on my current journey, this is the first forum I have tried and am hoping that chatting with people who know what I am going through will be helpful. I have an amazingly patient and supportive partner but I am in a constant guilt cycle that I put him through my up and (mostly) downs. I have not gone out socially in months and just missed my man's birthday party that I planned. Feeling pretty discouraged but have to remain hopeful or I will go completely dark.
Any advice or support is welcome and I will give it as I can as well,
Much love to all of my fellow sufferers

20-12-17, 13:47
Hiya rachel1981 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-12-17, 08:55
Hi Rachel, just dropping u a reply as noticed your user name ends 1981 - the year I was born and I'm guessing you were too? So likely we're the same age :-)
I'm taking Prozac too, I've taken it for a v long time (10+ years) had a few breaks from it whilst having kids and been on various doses. I've recent been moved up to 3 a day I think it's the highest dose. I suffer with anxiety (relating to emetophobia, which in turn triggers OCD, eating phobia, night time panic attacks). My kids have just had the second sick bug of the season, I've deal with this one better I think. I was off work for 7 weeks after Octobers sick bug I completely fell to pieces and lost myself for a while. Luckily my husband is amazing and my mum and dad were great too ( my dad has long history of anxiety and bipolar). They didn't know the severity of my issues until recently, I've always dealt with them well and not let them control my life too much. I start CBT in January and I really want to give it everything to try to get some normality to my life. I wish you well and hope the tablets are starting to give u a little lift xx

21-12-17, 19:25
Hi, really hope it works for you. I was amazed by the difference it made to me. God bless. x