View Full Version : Terrified of bowel cancer.

20-12-17, 19:21
Me again. Still have this rectal/anal pain. Have had internal. Dr says all ok. Another doctor prescribed rectogesic but I have stopped using it as was causing headaches. They now think it’s muscular and have given me diazepam which I can’t take as it makes me feel ill, I struggle to drive and as it’s Christmas I want a drink. It feels like my rectum is being pulled when I sit down. So painful but then at times it goes. I’ve been on Dr Google and have convinced myself it’s bow cancer although pain is the only symptom I have. Stools and bowel movements are all normal, no stomach pain and no weight loss, please help me I’m driving myself and my husband mad.

23-12-17, 00:43
Currently i have it too. But I was so terrifed that I went to have proctoscopy (to check my anus, rectum and part of sigsmoid colon), doc said there is nothing to worry about. After the procedure i had some minor bleeding which caused panic attack in me but doc said it normal when someone put 25cm hard stick in to your ass. Never had any bleeding before and I hope i will never have it again. I had normal bowel movements until this anus pain appeared, then i became so stressed i almost stopped eating anything, so now i feel a bit "deregulated", which of course caused thinking that i have some colon obstruction (meaning cancer) thats causing it. But guess what, when doc said there is nothing wrong with my rectum my pain subsided for couple hours. Then I started thinking shit again ("ooh maybe tumor is deeper in colon?") and pain came back. We're on the same boat, and you're not alone with your fears.

Remeber worst thing you can do is to read some people cancer stories. Stop checkin symptoms.

24-12-17, 23:37
Have you tried pile cream and putting it inside? That helps reduce inflammation if you have any x