View Full Version : Brain feels like it ‘jumps’....stil scared

20-12-17, 22:49
I’ve made a few posts over the last week because of my brain tumour fear. It is still lingering very much so even after seeing 2 doctors this week.

My head feels like it drops almost at random moments throughout the day?

I have headaches and they suck and I just feel so rubbish because of it.

The weird jumps in my head make me feel like it’s dizziness and I’m scared.

I’m so scared of a brain tumour, what if the doctors aren’t taking me seriously :(

I don’t know what to do or where to take this now

20-12-17, 22:58
I have told you before that i am having the same symptoms although i am not getting head aches,my brain feels like it jerks and i go all wobbly my docs kept saying it was stress but i went in the otherday and demanded a neuro referal and i got one shame its in april!!!!!

20-12-17, 23:05
I have told you before that i am having the same symptoms although i am not getting head aches,my brain feels like it jerks and i go all wobbly my docs kept saying it was stress but i went in the otherday and demanded a neuro referal and i got one shame its in april!!!!!

You did yes, sorry it’s totally slipped my mind! But I hope it all improves for you, I’m sure it will. It’s very hard and we will both realise it’s anxiety I’m sure.

20-12-17, 23:09
You did yes, sorry it’s totally slipped my mind! But I hope it all improves for you, I’m sure it will. It’s very hard and we will both realise it’s anxiety I’m sure.

Its one of the symptoms of having health anxiety not believing what the doctors tell you,i have seen 4 different doctors who have all said the same thing but i struggle badly believing that this is down to just stress and anxiety,good luck to you seems we have the same symptoms

20-12-17, 23:24
Its one of the symptoms of having health anxiety not believing what the doctors tell you,i have seen 4 different doctors who have all said the same thing but i struggle badly believing that this is down to just stress and anxiety,good luck to you seems we have the same symptoms

Yeah I’m really struggling to move on from this one even after speaking to two doctors this week, multiple breakdowns to my family, my counsellor etc. I wish believing was just simple, we believe the bad things but no the reality.

It’s draining, like I’m just sat here with my boyfriend and my head feels like it’s swaying and I’m trying not to let it take over me and just let it blow over but then it will happen again :(

Good luck to you too I’m sending you my thoughts x

21-12-17, 13:56
If it helps I've been having these symptoms for about 18 months, if not a little longer.

I only get the "jumps" or "zaps" every so often, maybe 1 every 3/4 months. They have reduced significantly as my overall anxiety and stress levels have reduced. But at their worst i was getting 1 a day.

When my stress levels increase, i get a jump/zap. Its definitely anxiety.

21-12-17, 14:03
If it helps I've been having these symptoms for about 18 months, if not a little longer.

I only get the "jumps" or "zaps" every so often, maybe 1 every 3/4 months. They have reduced significantly as my overall anxiety and stress levels have reduced. But at their worst i was getting 1 a day.

When my stress levels increase, i get a jump/zap. Its definitely anxiety.

I'm getting them multiple times a day, making my anxiety worse, which then I guess is increasing them. It all makes sense, I just need to believe it. Thank you for your comment

21-12-17, 14:07
Yeah, its a cycle. The more you worry, the worse they get. They will only reduce as your anxiety and worry reduces. I imagine that doesnt fill you with much hope atm as its quite impossible to think of feeling better or "getting over them".

I assure you that you will though, it took me time but I'm 99% passed it now. The zaps are so rare that I dont even think about them anymore.

21-12-17, 16:22
If it helps I've been having these symptoms for about 18 months, if not a little longer.

I only get the "jumps" or "zaps" every so often, maybe 1 every 3/4 months. They have reduced significantly as my overall anxiety and stress levels have reduced. But at their worst i was getting 1 a day.

When my stress levels increase, i get a jump/zap. Its definitely anxiety.

Just out of curiosity what is a “zap” it feels like my brain shakes from side to side for about 2 seconds then stops then repeats is this what you mean by a zap?

21-12-17, 16:49
I can never explain it properly.

But you know that strange sensation when you accidentally get tin foil in your mouth? Its sort of like that but in my brain, its like an electric sensation in my brain. I also get ringing in my ears when it happens, lasts a split second. It doesn't happen hardly at all anymore thankfully.